Monday 19 January 2015


From: ‪#‎Oduduwa_Voice_Radio‬ Station;
By ‪#‎Makanjuola‬ Adigun Muhammed.
When powerful American public institutions like The American intelligence agency and the American war college, two world foremost policies formulators’ institutions in the United States at the top levels of the American Government, predicted that the British created Nigeria may eventually dismembered, many political public officials and criminal business and professional parasites feeding on the one Nigeria flesh, referred as senior Nigerian billionaire class, went to town and started calling such predictions and the sources, it emanated from, as sources and prophets of doom. It is a statement of facts that, many one Nigerian politicians, and some few businessmen and women, may not be able to survive without the unity of Nigeria. e.g., an Obasanjo, IBB, Atiku, Dangote, Erwin Clark, Mike Adenuga, Peter Odili, and many more, you see today, saying forcefully that Nigeria would never breakup, including those who claimed to be called, as clergy men and women of God, in their thousands, no exemptions.
The above messengers of hopeless one Nigerian unity, do not care an fuss, about the consequences of what the continuation of such unity, would have on the lives of the ordinary people, who were yet to witness the ugly fates that the un-resolve one Nigerian unity question, had ugly impacted on those ,who were no more. To the doubting Thomas's, who continue to dismiss the numerous predictions, by insisting that Nigeria would never breakup, must be told that such predictions has commenced already, via the African Union extending its membership to a part of current Nigeria, which is known and called Biafra, as this Biafra is also admitted into one of the powerful organs of the United Nations known as the Social and Economic Council while all the Pro-Biafran groups and organizations were currently putting their heads together working out strategists to Evolve an Indigenous provisional National Government of Biafra, just as the Ogoni Nation has also democratically elected and formed their own Indigenous National Government, within the failed Nigerian State.
If all these above information are dismissed as un-true, we enjoin the major newspaper media houses in failed Nigeria to investigate all the above information without biases stands. Who knows what other Indigenous Nations within the North and South of Nigeria would be planning under their sleeves, as the failed Nigeria state is heading for its forth coming elections, and if the results did not go the ways they expected? While many selfish and draconian self-acclaimed lovers of one Nigeria continues to myopically insist that Nigeria would never disintegrated, the country is already on its way to either Kigali or that of defunct old Sudan or Yugoslavia.
There is nothing the ordinary people stands to gain again if one failed Nigeria remain indissoluble, as, it is the only rich and corrupt politicians who want to continue to impose the false unity on everybody. For those gullible so called Nigerians, who do not know but pretends to know, this below information is for you to justify the above arguments.
Quoting from the statement gotten from a report submitted to the American Government from the American war college titled “Nigerian unity at a crossroad ” The American Armed Forces recommended to the American Government to directly supports any Regions or Ethnic Nations trapped within Nigeria that is making physical attempts to pull-out of the failed unworkable one Nigeria State. The report push further to insist that, some of the major factors and issues that lead to the first Civil war of 1966-1970 And subsequent regular outbreak of religious violence periodically in the north till current Nigeria, had never been addressed.
The import of the above message is that Nigeria as currently constituted is fighting hard to preserve is fake existence through periodic elections, which is the continuous political intentions of the criminal one Nigeria political class and retired senior and still serving military satanic establishment in the country. But this current forth coming elections is different from the previous ones, because the hopeless one Nigeria political cabals has divided themselves into two camps, with each struggling to capture political power to decide which of the cabals, continues to preside over the sharing of oil wealth from the Niger-Delta Region, some parts of the South-East and those within the Oduduwa Nation.
This battle between these cabals manifesting as Apc and Pdp battles, is only using the ugly conditions of the people to blackmailing themselves. They can never give the majority of the peoples trapped within Nigeria, what they want, which is their maximum freedom. The current cabal gang-up against the incumbent in Aso-Rock, by those senior members of these cabals who had ruled Nigeria before and thousands of their Billionaire errand-boys, is because, the owners of Nigeria, were not comfortable with the possibility of losing their private loot “one Nigeria” under the current occupying of their Political and business Estate, who they believes, is over allowing too much democratic space for self-determination groups, who have continue to agitate and are taking regularly practical steps, to determine their own political future from Nigeria, a country, the cabals had designed as their conquered and political acquired private property for life.
But the reality of this contemporary situation is that, the current state of mind of the Nigeria president cannot be predicted by these cabals fighting him, and as such making the cabals top resort to blackmailing him out of office. But these cabals may have to contend with the realistic demands of many existing Indigenous groups and Ethnic Nations trapped within their private property or Estate, were already preparing via pro-active measures and series of under-ground strategies to either stand as Autonomous Regions within a New Nigeria or as sovereign Independent Nations.
Nigeria cannot longer prevent those who choose to be free not to do so, except Nigeria resort to acts of genocide and massive physical elimination of such Indigenous Peoples. Who Nigeria dare in these contemporary times, only time would tell. One day, those who continue to insist on a fake one Nigeria unity ,would wake up in the morning, only to discovered that, the United States, France, the State of Israel,Russia,Canada,Germany,South-Africa,Togo,Cameroun,Benin,Republic,Niger Republic, Chad, Ghana, Gabon, Tanzania, and Cote’d voire has recognize a sovereign Biafran State and the Autonomous Ogoni National Government.
By then, those who continue to see the agitations of the above peoples and isolate them from the American predictions would have remain so foolish and hopeless forever. We would then see, whether those who claims to love one Nigeria now, would commit mass human suicide, since they cannot live under a new separate country, except the moribund and failed few serving one Nigeria state. If African Union can recognize Biafra, then accept the reality, whether you like it or not, that all things are possible including the breakup of Nigeria and the setting free of new sovereign Nations out of the useless big for northing one Nigeria state. On Oduduwa Republic, 50 million Yoruba lives , depend. Comrade; Makanjuola Adigun Muhammed Movement for Oduduwa Republic (MOORE) )

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