Tuesday 24 June 2014


Once again I offer a hearty congratulations to my friend Ayo Fayose and to the leadership of the Ekiti state PDP on their historic victory in the governorship election that took place in their state yesterday.
The people of Ekiti have spoken and their choice MUST be respected by all.
My heart goes out to my brother Kayode Fayemi who clearly lost the election but who remains not only a man of honour but also one of the finest minds in the country. He is certainly one of the most cerebal, disciplined, compassionate and civilsed leaders that the APC has within it's ranks and one of those that gave it some semblence of integrity and credibility.
His state broadcast where he conceded defeat to Fayose proves my point and it speaks volumes. He is a first class gentleman and a good sport. Unlike most of those in his party he knows when to call it quits and he respects the choice of the people. That is worth commending and it is worthy of emulation.
By that single act alone Fayemi has guaranteed a place for himself in the future of yoruba and Nigerian politics and if he can only change parties and leave the Almajiris he will still go very far indeed. For him the future is still very bright and the sky is the limit. I salute his courage and commend his past efforts for Nigeria and his state.
Yet the truth must be told. And that truth is that whether they want to accept it or not the people of Ekiti state sent a very strong signal to the national leadership and stakeholders of the Almajiri People's Congress yesterday.
The rejection of Fayemi at the polls had as much to do with the disgust and opprobium that most people in the south west harbour and hold for the APC as it does for anything else. Their message is simple and clear and it is as follows:
1) They should stop playing religious politics, stop being petty and stop trying to implement a muslim agenda in our country.
2) They should stop behaving like a primitive cult where only the opinion of one or two leaders matter and where dissent and differing opinions have no place,
3)They should stop trying to demean others and stop treating them with contempt,
4)They should stop arrogating all knowledge and all power to just a handful of people at the top that have clearly lost touch with reality,
5)They should stop taking others for granted and stop calling our yoruba oba's ''useless''.
6)They should stop telling people the most disgusting, hateful, shameful and monuemental lies about others.
7)They should rid themselves of their slave mentality and stop playing second fiddle to those that believe that they own Nigeria.
The simple truth is that God has turned His back on the Almajiri's People's Congress. This is because of the atrocities that are being committed by a few of their leaders right at the top, because of their evil, covert and subterreanean agenda, because they wish to turn the yoruba, and indeed the entire south, into perpetual slaves and because of their patently and unapologetic anti-christian agenda.
Given the history of our country and the suffering of the people of the south west over the last 53 years since we gained independence from the British, no true yoruba nationalist should have anything to do with them.
I say this because to say that you are a yoruba nationalist and at the same time you are working day and night to hand over power to a die-hard, ultra-conservative, ''born to rule'' hausa-fulani, christian-hating, hegemonistic, brutal dictator and despot like Mohammadu Buhari, who believes that Nigeria was bequethed to him and to his people by God and his forefathers, is a contradiction in terms.
Anything and anyone is better than that and no self-respecting yoruba man, southerner or indeed middle-belter would ever do such a thing. Let those that have slavish souls continue to attempt to turn us all into the slaves of our collective oppressors and throw us into perpetual bondage: the rest of us will stand against them, expose them, resist them, defeat them and flush them down the toilet where they belong.
God has rejected the Almajiri People's Congress and the sooner they accept that hard fact and bitter truth the better it will be for them and for Nigeria . Yesterday it was Ekiti. Tomorrow it will be Osun.
We will not rest until every inch of yorubaland and, indeed Nigeria, is freed from the grip of the Almajiri People's Congress and their insidious and desperate Haramite allies from the north. The days of fooling the people and winning elections by propaganda, intimidation, lies, threats and coercion are long over.
The people of Ekiti have spoken and soon the rest of Nigeria shall speak as well. For the Almajiri People's Congress and their Haramite allies, it is all over.

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