Wednesday 25 June 2014

‘My daughter is lost, not dead’

Following widespread ‘rumour’ that the principal victim of the Ejigbo torture saga, Juliana Agoma, had died at an unknown location, new facts have emerged that she may still be alive and the family may have been economical with the truth. Seun Akioye reports
The look on Freeman Agoma, the father of Juliana, one of the victims of Ejigbo torture, otherwise known as Ejigbo 2 in Lagos, revealed he was ready to say the truth regarding the incident which “claimed” the life of his daughter and when he spoke, he was emphatic.
“I wanted to tell Dr. Joe (Odumakin) that Juliana was not dead, but that we have been looking for her for eight months; but the woman who brought me (informant) said I must not say that. She said I must insist that she was dead. But what happened was that she was missing and since we didn’t see her, it was assumed she was dead. Up till now, I have not seen my daughter,” Agoma said.
The story, of the Ejigbo torture victims spiraled on social media in November 2013, two women were shown on video being tortured by a group of men for allegedly stealing pepper worth N50 at the Ejigbo market. The violence prompted human rights activists to organise campaigns for justice for the yet unknown victims. Dr. Joe Odumakin, President, Women Arise Initiative Foundation (WAIF), was prominent in that campaign. Through her, the world was reconnected with the victims (except Juliana) and the family and many of the perpetrators caught and who are now being prosecuted.
Agoma had told The Nation that Juliana was dead, the police and the public also believed she was dead from her torture. The police prepared the case against her alleged torturers to include charges bordering on murder. But Agoma seemed to have had a change of mind regarding the story on Juliana, saying he is not quite sure if she was dead, that it is a case of missing person.
After Agoma’s testimony before reporters, Odumakin followed him to his village, Koanagodo in Porto Novo, Benin Republic in April to pay her last respect. In the village, the team was taken to a freshly dug grave where Juliana was presumed to have been buried.
But things began to fall apart when on May 14, Odumakin went back to Koanagodo with officers of the International Police (Interpol) and some forensic experts to exhume the body, conduct forensic test on it to determine the extent of her torture. The team met with a brick wall. The family would not allow the body to be exhumed. The next day, the police officers returned to Koanagodo and met with the town’s police authorities who told them Juliana was not dead. She had been seen in one hospital and had even given birth to a child.
The news hit the officers like a thunderbolt. On arriving in Nigeria, they summoned all the people involved in the case. That was when Agoma confessed that he lied to Odumakin.
According to Agoma, after the torture, Juliana was taken to a hospital in Koanagodo. When she was rejected, she was taken to a herbalist’s home in the town. “She was in the herbalist’s home in our village, but she was suffering; everyday she would be screaming, complaining of stomach pains. I used to send money to the herbalist, although it was irregular. One day, they said she had run away,” Agoma said.
“They called me that my child was no more. What does that mean if not dead? My wife said she had been missing for eight months. I went there the next day and we could not find her. I have not seen her till today,” the agonising father said.
The father said in cases like that, the family usually performs rituals to make the person return in seven days. We did the ritual, but Juliana did not return. The grave that we showed Dr. Joe when she came was my mother’s. What we did was to call the spirit of Juliana and buried it in the grave with my mother’s body,” he said.
So, what would have informed the family to lie that Juliana was dead when she was not?  Agoma said the informant convinced him to lie and he had wanted to say the truth. What was the motive of the informant simply identified as Iya Sade? According to information available to The Nation, the informant got N500, 000 from the Lagos State House of Assembly as reward Agoma and his wife Ajoke got N250,000 each.  So, could it have been the lure of the reward?
Agoma does not know. For him, his daughter is still dead because he has not seen her since she disappeared from the herbalist’s home. “ People say they saw her taking a shower; I have said they should help me capture her or take her picture whenever they see her. The police are saying I lied, but since I have not seen her I don’t know what to believe. The ritual should have brought her back,” he said.
It was evident Agoma believed in the ritual done to bring his daughter back, but he refused to reveal how it was done. “That is for the elders. I cannot tell you; it is forbidden for me to mention it,” he said, looking frightened.
Members of the family is now in a frenzied race to defend the family’s integrity. Kehinde Agoma, Juliana’s younger brother, said it was not the family’s intention to deceive the public.
“It’s not our intention to deceive; it was Iya Sade that said we must continue to say she was dead. I didn’t want to say it but she insisted I say so, we didn’t mean to deceive anyone.”
“I was in shock; I initially thought it was a conspiracy,” Odumakin said in response to her initial reaction when she received the new information.
“When we showed him the video clips for the first time, he broke down and when we asked him about the daughter, he said she was dead. I then asked him if she was buried and I made arrangements to visit the grave. I didn’t get the trend of the explanation he gave about her spirit being buried; it was a real shock because what we knew was that she was dead,” Odumakin added.
Does this signify the end of investigations? Odumakin disagreed. “In fact, there is need for further painstaking investigation to find her. It will be great to see her again; we need to provide more answers to many questions that we have now.”
If Juliana disappeared with her injuries, where did she treat herself? If she had given birth after her ordeal, was she pregnant during the torture or after? Who is responsible and at which hospital was she delivered of the baby? Many of these questions can only be answered in Koanagodo and Agoma has promised to go and investigate her daughter’s disappearance.
Is she the kind of child that is capable of desperate actions like this? The Nation asked Agoma.
“Why can’t she run away? For one, she may be ashamed of what she went through and not wanting to be seen by people who know her. But also, I believe she could have run away because I didn’t know any of her children; I never gave her out to any husband, and she was just giving birth by herself. So, she can do it,” Agoma said.

‘My daughter is lost, not dead’

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