Monday 28 July 2014

Boko Haram: We must rise to confront this evil –Bakare

The vice presiden­tial candidate of the defunct Congress for Progressive Change(CPC) in the 2011 general elections, Pastor Tunde Bakare, has urged all men and women of goodwill in the country to join hands to fight the Boko Haram in­surgency.
Bakare, who is also the pre­siding Pastor of Latter Rain Assembly, made the call yes­terday while delivering a ser­mon at a service of the church in Lagos.
Reading from the scriptures, the cleric said there was urgent need for Nigerians to collec­tively rise and pool their re­sources together to stop Boko Haram insurgents.
He said terrorists were not just mere criminal, but ene­mies of the state and unlawful armed combatants, who must be treated as such.
The Lagos-based preacher noted that the insurgents did not owe allegiance to any country, but only to their jihad­ist ideology, hence, “we have to fight them here, there and anywhere.”
He stated that while many people had always seen Boko Haram as a northern problem, the recent explosion in Apapa, Lagos, which the sect claimed responsibility for, and the ar­rest of suspected terrorists in Abia State had corrected that erroneous impression.
Bakare said last Wednes­day’s attack on former Head of State,  General Muhammadu Buhari’s convoy in Kaduna was an indication that bomb­ing in the country was taking a new dimension. He noted that but for God’s intervention, the latest Kaduna bomb attack would have plunged the coun­try into chaos.
“I hope that this is a wake-up call to government and men of goodwill to rise. We must all rise up so that we can put our resources together, so that we can stop the blood-thirsty lunatics. Our nation is on the brink of chaotic dismember­ment. Those who wallow in complacency must arise before it is too late. All religions must be alert. What is happening in Nigeria is not about religion, it is a circuses,” he said.

Boko Haram: We must rise to confront this evil –Bakare

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