Monday 27 October 2014

Tb Joshua is my spiritual mentor. He is the Modern day Christ

Tb Joshua is my spiritual mentor. He is the Modern day Christ
"The former President of Zambia who was always going synagogue church said that Africa didn’t know what they have in Joshua and that if T.B Joshua were a white man the whole world will recognise him. He could not believe his eyes when he saw how people were being healed. T.B Joshua is not an ordinary man.
Mr Bwalya, who believes God rescued him, returned to Zambia a few days later.
He is convinced the attack that lead to the collapse of Synagogue church was as a result of terrorists and not shoddy construction. “I was there. I saw those planes flying over the building and I believe there is something fishy that happened that day.”
He suggested that many people were jealous of T.B. Joshua’s success, prompting him to be a source of attack. “But God will defeat them and TB Joshua is not going down. In fact, I intend to go back there next month,” said Mr Bwalya who further urged Zambians to avoid speaking ill of Prophet Joshua.
“TB Joshua is here to stay. No amount of bad press will take him down. He is a great man who has done a lot for people around the world. I don’t know of any man of God in the world who is as generous as TB Joshua,” the Zambian concluded

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