Tuesday 28 October 2014

UK Science Teacher, Javeed, Admits Trying To Help Terrorists In Syria

UK Science Teacher, Javeed, Admits Trying To Help Terrorists In Syria
Teacher Jamshed Javeed pleads guilty to two charges under Britain's Terrorism Act.
A British science teacher admitted Monday to trying to help anti-Assad regime fighters commit acts of terrorism in Syria.
Jamshed Javeed, 30, from the northern English city of Manchester, pleaded guilty to two terrorism charges at Woolwich Crown Court.
Police said the father of one had helped four associates travel to Syria for terrorism purposes last year and had planned to join them in the war-torn country.
"He bought equipment for himself and for ISIS fighters to use once he arrived in Syria," Greater Manchester Police said in a statement.
Javeed's family had grown suspicious of his behavior and confronted him in December, urging him not to go to Syria, but he had said he was committed, police said. Counterterrorism officers arrested Javeed at his home December 21, two days after the confrontation.
"Javeed was an otherwise law-abiding man who had a responsible job, a child and another one on the way," Detective Chief Superintendent Tony Mole said.
"However, from August last year both his appearance and behavior started to change and in a short space of time he started to support the ISIS cause and those planning to travel to Syria.
"His family grew suspicious and were clearly intent on stopping him, but he ignored their pleas and told them he was determined to go through with his plans to travel to Syria. He had bought equipment to take with him and had given money to help others travel there," Mole said.
The case demonstrated the importance of informing authorities early about someone's intentions to join a group such as ISIS, Mole said.
Javeed is being held in custody for sentencing on December 12.
- See more at: http://aitonline.tv//post-uk_science_teacher__javeed__admits_trying_to_help_terrorists_in_syria#sthash.wh9rRhVk.dpuf

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