Tuesday 28 October 2014

BACKLASH: Corp Member’s Attempt To Charm Man Backfires

A love potion meant to charm a 32-year- old graduate of chemistry by a serving National Youth Corps Member, simply identified as Chinyere, at the weekend backfired in Asaba, Delta State, as she was beaten to pulp by an angry mob who witnessed the incident.
Reports said that the incident, which took place around Redeemed Junction along Okpanam community road, Asaba, centred around a long standing relationship with the boy who hails from Ibusa community near Asaba while they were both in Lagos until she graduated and was posted to Asaba for her youth service.
The relationship was, however, said to have hit the rock when both ‘love birds’ had issues as the boy was said to have told the corps member that he was fed up with the relationship.
But every effort to convince her that he meant what he said failed.
Expectedly, girl insisted that their love relationship must continue and was quoted as saying, “I have invested my time and resources into this relationship and you cannot just wake up and tell me you are through with me. If you have done that to other girls before, you cannot try that with me.”
On the fateful evening, sources said the girl reported the matter on phone to the boy’s elder sister who lives in Benin as she then called the boy and advised him to let sleeping dog lie after talking some sense into him.
The young man was said to have obeyed his elder sister and invited his girlfriend (corps member) that fateful evening to come over to his residence around Okpanam community where the bubble burst.
It was reliably gathered that during nightfall, the lovers took a stroll down the town and at a point the young man excused her to buy a bottle of water and as soon as he walked away, the girl, oblivious that some eyes were on her, brought out a small can and she packed sand from the spot the young man stood, and immediately jumped into a commercial tricycle and left the scene.http://leadership.ng/news/388430/backlash-corp-members-attempt-charm-man-backfires

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