Tuesday 28 October 2014

Tambuwal formally joins APC

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It was an atmosphere of jubilation as well as mourning on the floor of the House of Representatives Tuesday as the Speaker, Aminu Tambuwal, formally declared for the All Progressives Congress (APC).
At exactly 12:24pm Tambuwal in a short speech at the end of plenary, said he was defecting to the APC for political reasons, adding that the yearning of his people in Sokoto State necessitates the decision.
This puts to rest the avalanche of speculations on if or when he would defect. Some members of the Peoples Democratic Party were in tears as Tambuwal declared.
However, the APC Caucus in the House led by Femi Gbajabiamila, said they would be stimulated into doing more by Tambuwal’s defection.
They said nothing has changed in the House as all members would work together for the advancement of the parliament and greater good of the Nigerian people. Source the nation

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