Friday 31 October 2014

Sex Abuse Inquiry Head Under Pressure To Quit

A lawyer representing 50 victims of child abuse has said the Home Office must "start again" if it wants its inquiry into historical allegations to win public confidence.
Alison Millar, a partner at Leigh Day solicitors, has told Sky News she will make the argument at a meeting with officials in Westminster later this morning.
It comes after Fiona Woolf, the second chair appointed to lead the investigation, was engulfed in controversy about her social links to Lord and Lady Brittan.
Leon Brittan was Home Secretary in the 1980s and was handed evidence about sex abuse cases, which victims accuse him of failing to act upon.
Ms Millar told Sky News: "It will take quite a lot to convince survivors of abuse that this inquiry is for them rather than a damage limitation exercise by the Home Office."
She said none of her clients had confidence in Mrs Woolf, particularly following revelations on Thursday about how a letter outlining her social interactions with the Brittans was redrafted seven times.
Chair of the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee Keith Vaz criticised Mrs Woolf, saying the final version showed a more "detached" relationship with the Brittans than the first one.
For example, it stressed there were a number of other people present at dinner parties.
Mrs Woolf also said the last time she saw Lady Brittan was in April last year, but a picture has since emerged of them speaking at an event last Autumn.
Ms Millar added: "It is not just the personnel, although none of my clients have said that Fiona Woolf has their confidence.
"But it is also the way the whole thing is being conducted.
"Look at how it has been structured - it is not clear how or even, if, survivors of abuse are being invited to participate.
"If they really want this inquiry to engage survivors of abuse they are going to have to start again."
Mr Vaz said said Mrs Woolf's appointment had been "chaotic" and she should decide whether she wishes to remain as chair of the inquiry.

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