Monday 27 October 2014

Please, there is no comparison between the advancement in my Yoruba Oduduwa land and your Aboki-Gambari land. It's like light and darkness.

From: ‪#‎Amah_Jones‬.
Please, there is no comparison between the advancement in my Yoruba Oduduwa land and your Aboki-Gambari land. It's like light and darkness. For 50 years, your brainless, clueless brothers ruled and ruined this country. If they had done things right, Nigeria would not have been in this mess. They unjustly and illegally took 83% of Niger-delta's oil blocs-----oil blocs which your people control even as we speak. Yet, after 50 years of ruling and ruining Nigeria, you and your leaders are still unable to make things right in your Jihadist North. Today, despite the stupefying wealth
controlled by northern leaders, northern states are still the most backward;still saddled with crippling poverty, illiteracy, hunger and disease.
Just take a look at one of the lingering legacies of northern leaders' misrule of your beloved Muslim homeland-----the multitudes of HOMELESS, UNEDUCATED, HUNGRY, AND DISEASED YOUNG PEOPLE---a.k.a. ALMAJIRIS. Isn't it sad that this is indeed the most visible "gift" your mindlessly corrupt, wicked and selfish leaders bequeathed to your region?
And you want your leaders to have the presidency again? Why? Oh, so they can spread their Almajiri nonsense across the nation?
You people are shameless.
Northern politicians should, first of all, fix the north before ever thinking about ruling Nigeria in the future. Buhari, a 73-year-old grandfather, should retire and return to living a peaceful life in his Daura cattle farm. Shikenan!
Michael Olarenwaju replies Abba A. Bashir

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