Monday 27 October 2014

Keshi wants Black Stars’ job

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Ex- Super Eagles coach, Stephen Keshi, has expressed interest in the vacant Ghana coaching coach.
The Ghana Football Association has already shortlisted and interviewed three European coaches for the vacant job.
But Keshi wants to gatecrash the process and land his dream job after he was sacked by the Nigeria Football Federation this month.
“Yes, I would like to coach the Black Stars. It will be a dream come true.
“Ghana is one of the biggest teams in Africa and I will be very happy to have the chance to coach Ghana.
“Ghana is like home and I have a lot of respect for Ghanaian players.
“Ghana is different from any other African country and I am ready to come and coach the Black Stars,” quoted the former Eagles captain as saying on Accra-based Happy FM Monday.
Keshi led Nigeria to win the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations in South Africa and guided the team to reach the round 16 at the 2014 World Cup finals in Brazil.

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