Monday 27 October 2014

Same Faith Ticket Dangerous For Nigeria – Obasanjo

Former president, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, has warned Nigerian political elite that contemplating a Muslim-Muslim or Christian-Christian ticket for any election will spell doom for the country.
In a statement signed by the former leader and made available to journalists in Abeokuta, Ogun State, yesterday, Obasanjo said religion was a very sensitive issue in Nigeria and such political arrangement would inflame religious sentiments.
According to him, “Sensitivity is a necessary ingredient for the enhancement of peace, security and stability at this point in the political discourse and arrangement for Nigeria, and for encouraging confidence and trust.
“It will be insensitive to the point of absurdity for any leader or any political party to be toying with Muslim-Muslim or Christian-Christian ticket at this juncture.”
The president warned that “Nigeria cannot at this stage raise the spectre and fear of Islamisation or Christianisation. The idea of proselytisation in any form is a grave danger that must not be contemplated by any serious-minded politician at this delicate situation in Nigeria, as this time is different from any other time.”
The statement went further to state that Nigerians needed to be reassured that their sentiments should not be taken for granted.
“Therefore, disregarding the fact that there are fears that need to be allayed at this point will amount not only to insensitivity of the highest order, but will also amount to very bad politics indeed,” he noted. source Leadership

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