Monday 27 October 2014

GAMBARI DEFINED!! The Islamist or Jihadist segment of the Hausa and Fulani populations are collectively referred to as the Gambari.

By- ‪#‎Amah_Jones‬.
The Islamist or Jihadist segment of the Hausa and Fulani populations are collectively referred to as the Gambari. They are mostly Muslims who shun hard work and instead, prefer to live off the resources of other people. Their primary focus, going as far back as 1960, includes the complete Islamization of Nigeria, the domination of Nigeria's political space, and total control of the Niger Delta's oil wealth. A typical Gambari is prone to violence and feels entitled.
He or she is spiritually and morally bankrupt, preaches against modernization and materialism, yet engages in the most frivolous acts whenever opportunity presents itself.
He holds a strong disdain for secular education and most definitely, is anti-Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims.
A Gambari is one who takes lunatic pleasures in embezzling billions of dollars from the Central Bank of Nigeria or other public offices, calls himself a Nigerian oil Sheikh, travels to Arabian nations to go mingle with wealthy Malaysian Muslims, Europeans, and Turkic Arabs even while his folks at home in feudal northern Nigeria remain largely uneducated, destitute, diseased and hungry. A Gambari believes in taking, never giving. He believes others should die while he lives. A Gambari, in a nutshell, is natural-born parasite. Please avoid Gambaris at all costs; but if he steps into your space uninvited, make sure to teach him a lesson for the ages.

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