Tuesday 28 October 2014


The Death threat on Emenike Nwofor, Few of you will remember The young Biafran who took a bold step by declaring him self Stateless,  as i promised you all update on this issue, we followed up the situation back to Biafra land and france.
Emenike never stopped, He believe in Biafra more that he believed in live, Zealous selfless Freedom Fighter and as nature may have it his also from the same  “NNEWI” Home  town of the people General, great leader of Biafra IKEMBA ODUMEGWU  CHUKWUEMEKA OJUKWU.
Emenike remains selfless despite diplomatic pressure and death threat to him and his Family, his contribution to the Biafra struggle in a special way and many Biafrans around the world are indeed in support of  him, What is amazing is amount of support been outpoured on him from different Biafran revolution movements.
In details who is Emenike Michael Nwofor ? this a Young man who manage to escape from the Joint Task Force  with a broken mouth, Few years down the line he was part of the massobians who also escaped from SARS with bullet wounds  while his comrade died for carrying Biafra flags and T-shirts around Onitsha Nnewi province of Biafra.
Emenike  escape to Exile (europe) and never stopped at nothing in the spreading of the name “BIAFRA”
The nigerian government have been shamed international by EMENIKE MICHAEL NWOFOR not only by publicly once more before the world wide web audience calling and identifying nigeria as a zoo a geographical Expression. he went further in demonstrating what Biafra meant to him and why he never identify with nigeria and hence  he tore his nigerian passport and declearing to remain stateless if the world refuse to support the restoration of Republic of Biafra Young republic who’s sovereignty was cut short, incase you miss that story here is the video once more.
After many threats coming to him from around the world, and the use of political thugs and nigeria forces to attack his family in Nnewi The home town of late Biafra Leader, although his family was not hurt at the time of the attack due to the facts that no one was met at the house its still quit steering situation as his family now move about in fear.
The nigerian government through it mercenary(nigerian embassy) in France try to get him to make an open apology and delete the video where he teared his nigerian passport from the internet and social networks, Mr Emenike refuse to succumb to the treat of the Embassy. Matter of fact Emenike moved the campaign a step further by  declaring once more that he will never apologise to nigeria for destroying the passport. he insist on his words that nigeria is a ZOO 
He  and his other comrade has moved on in organising Biafran in the city of Bordeaux FRANCE and has been able to bring the activity of the nigerian union to a halt, on MAY 30th 2014 he was in paris for the Biafra memorial Rally and protest the killing of Biafrans and the continues occupation of Biafra land by nigeria forces.
He has granted interview to press, ranging from Radio Biafra london and various other media regarding his decision and why he choose to remain stateless. this has raise concerns in nigeria, information reaching us Emenike Nwaofo michael is one of those placed on most wanted list in nigeria because of his believe in Biafra his home country.
Benjamin Onwuka
Benjamin Onwuka
Barrister Benjamin Onwuka The leader of Biafra Zionist group another pro Biafra group was arrested and has been in detaintion for months without trial and amnesty international described the situation and i quote Nigeria forces Brutality and The  HELL on Earth.
Earlier this year 87 Biafrans were short in Awka prison over night and dumped in Ezu river without trial, their crime Wearing Biafra-tshirt and organising a memorial for the dead Biafran Soldiers.

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