Thursday, 1 May 2014

Chime, Actors’ Guild mourn Amaka Igwe

Chime, Actors’ Guild mourn Amaka Igwe

Governor Sul­livan Chime of Enugu State has expressed shock at the sudden demise of one of Nigeria’s best known film producers/directors, Mrs Amaka Igwe last Monday in Enugu.

Also, president of the Ac­tors Guild of Nigeria (AGN), Ibinabo Fiberesima, yester­day said she was grieved over the death of Amaka Igwe.

The governor, in a state­ment signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Chukwudi Achife, described the late Mrs Igwe as an icon and pacesetter in the Nigerian movie industry, whose pio­neering works had inspired many and brought glory to the nation.

He said her death at the prime age of 51, would leave a huge vacuum in the indus­try, where she had excelled with uncommon vigour, cre­ativity and diligence.

Chime extended his sym­pathies to the bereaved fam­ily and the nation’s enter­tainment community, urging them to take solace in the enduring legacies that she left behind.

The AGN president, Fi­beresima, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos that Amaka Igew’s death was a great loss to the movie industry.

“Amaka’s just that big sis­ter that you want to hug all the time. You want her when you are confused and she just had a way of calming you down.

“She did a lot for Nolly­wood. She believed in profes­sionalism. She also believed in Nollywood reaching the highest of heights. She did everything in her power to make sure Nollywood was seen as a professional body.

“There was no easy way out with her; it was the right way no matter how hard. And she’s just somebody that we all will miss. She’s just going to be in all our hearts. It’s just a painful death,” she said.

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