Wednesday 30 July 2014

Asari-Dokubo bombs Buhari again

Alleges Gaddafi sponsored ex-CPC presidential election bid
…It’s not true, says aide
 A former warlord and  leader of Niger Delta People’s Salvation Force (NDPSF), Alhaji Mujahid‎ Asari-Dokubo, has lambasted President Goodluck Jonathan for saying that Nigeria would have boiled if former Head of State, General Muhammadu Buhari, had died in last Wednesday’s twin bomb blasts in Kaduna.He said the President’s statement was unnecessary, adding that placing the life of one Nigerians above another is wrong.‎ “I do not work for Jonathan. What the President said was wrong. The life of Buhari is not more important than 87 people that died in that blast. “It is unfortunate that the President made such a statement. I wonder why the President will be promoting one person above other Nigerians. That statement from the President was very unfortunate. I do have the capacity to tell the President to apologise, but I still insist that he should not have made such a statement,” Asari-Dokubo said.
On the alleged attack on Buhari, he said: “Each day, a new episode is added to the list of absurdities in the country. General Buhari was reportedly involved in an assassination attempt. Looking at it logically, there was no assassination attempt. It was a well-managed stunt. There was nothing like that.
“He said he was pursued for over two kilometres until they got to the market. He said because of the market, his convoy slowed down and the intruding vehicle detonated the bomb. Buhari did not tell us that all the cars in his convoy were all armoured vehicles.
“I have two armoured vehicles and I know the extent to which they can withstand bomb blast. All the cars on his convoy were not destroyed. All the people on his convoy only survived with some minor scratches. Yet, we were told that it happened just 200 metres away from his convoy.
“General Buhari is a retired Army general and he knows that when a bomb goes off, the first thing to do is to evacuate people from the scene. Instead, Buhari stepped down from the vehicle, with a huge crowd and he addressed them. Is he so heartless that he does not know that the dead needs respect? By coming in, they contaminated evidence that would have been used.
“Two weeks before the bomb blast, Buhari had said his life was in danger. He had already set in motion the belief that he was going to be killed. A former Head of State who ought to have calmed his supporters came out and accused the government of the day of involvement,” Asari-Dokubo said.
The ex-warlord, who is Jonathan’s strong supporter, exonerated himself from the allegation that he paid the alleged masterminds of the blast N5 million to carry out the attacks. He said people were out to tarnish his image.
“Soon after the blast, a cross-gender person came out and was arrested. Even the mother of the person arrested said he was insane. Social media reports said I gave them N5 million to carry out the attack. These things are masterminded. The first one is against President Jonathan and the other is against me,” he said.
Making another allegation, Asari-Dokubo said in March 2010, he was a guest of the late leader of Libya, Col. Muammar Gaddafi, when he said he had been sponsoring Buhari’s elections in the past. “In March 2010, I was a guest of Muammar Gaddafi. He told me that Sule Armah and Buba Galadima were in Libya ahead of the 2011 elections. Gaddafi told me that he had been funding Buhari’s elections in the past. I want the Department of State Security (DSS) to investigate if these names I have mentioned were not in Libya during the period I am talking about.
Reacting, Buhari’s ally and former spokesperson of the defunct Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), Alhaji Buba Galadima, said Asari-Dokubo’s allegations are unfounded. He maintained that he never visited Gaddafi in Libya as alleged by the former warlord.
He said:‎ “I have never seen Gaddafi. I was never in Libya. ‎Asari-Dokubo is lying. This is an allegation that is based on no facts.”

Asari-Dokubo bombs Buhari again

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