Wednesday 1 October 2014

Boko Haram: We Are Ready To Listen Says President Goodluck

President Goodluck Jonathan in his 54th Independence Day broadcast to the nation has called on the Boko Haram insurgents to embrace dialogue. He said his administration was ready to listen.

“This administration is committed to making Nigeria safe for all Nigerians, irrespective of our places of birth, how we worship God and our political persuasion”, he said.

President Jonathan said, “To all those waging war against our country, I ask that you lay down your arms and embrace peace.

“To those who have genuine grievances, I affirm that Nigeria will listen to you, if you bring your grievances to the table of dialogue.

“To the good people of Nigeria, let me restate that our task of building a better and greater country must not waver.”

The president the nation is still in a sober state even with the effort of his administration and that the sober nature was as a result of the damages done by the Boko Haram militants.

“In my address to the nation last year, I did emphasize that we were in a sober moment in our country. We are still in that mood in spite of the many accomplishments of our administration”, he said.

He said, “Our somberness has to do with the crises of nationhood occasioned by the activities of terrorist elements that have done the unimaginable to challenge our unity as a people”.

 He was positive of the fact that no matter what the Sect does they would not succeed.

The president said the Boko Haram sect did not mean well for anyone whosoever. He described the militant’s continuous choice of the weakest and most vulnerable in society as an insight into their abnormal mind-set.

He said Nigerians should make efforts and support the government and military in fighting the war no matter their tribe and language.

Jonathan again promised to implement the report of the 2014 National Conference, which he described as the greatest centenary gift to the country that must be cherished and sustained.

He admitted that the nation’s 54 years journey had not been easy but that the support of Nigerians as helped a lot

“We will continue to march forward to greater heights,” this he said, while promising Nigerians he would redouble his efforts on Nation building.

Ahead of the 2015 poll, Jonathan said, “The contest for the leadership of our country must yield good governance, and not ungovernable spaces. The love of country should rank higher than our individual ambitions.

“We must remain committed to a united and indivisible Nigeria within democratic parameters. The protection of individual rights, liberty, equality before the law, freedom of thought, and a progressive pursuit of a sound economy must be our goal.”

He said, “As we look forward to another year in our national life, I am more than confident that our tomorrow will be better than our yesterday and today. Nigeria has got the human and material resources to excel and we shall lead the way in that journey to our manifest destiny.

“Fellow countrymen, brothers and sisters, in all our plans, and in all our words and our actions, we must stand together in love and unity, as one people under God.

“We are one people from the womb of one Nigeria. We are brothers and sisters. We are one family. We are Nigerians.”

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