Friday 24 October 2014

Hello Great Biafran's World Wide, I Greet each and every one of you in the name of almighty CHUKWU ABIAMA the CREATOR of HEAVEN and EARTH. May CHUKWU ABIAMA Bless All Biafran’s, friends of Biafra and lovers of FREEDOM: My Name is (PRINCE DARLINGTON CHUKWUBUIKEM OKOLIE), I choose to address the Indigenous People of Biafra worldwide through this little epistle of mine based on fact finding.




Hello Great Biafran's World Wide, I Greet each and every one of you in the name of almighty CHUKWU ABIAMA the CREATOR of HEAVEN and EARTH.
May CHUKWU ABIAMA Bless All Biafran’s, friends of Biafra and lovers of FREEDOM: My Name is (PRINCE DARLINGTON CHUKWUBUIKEM OKOLIE), I choose to address the Indigenous People of Biafra worldwide through this little epistle of mine based on fact finding.
I shall begin with the Speech of our Late Great HERO, HEAD OF STATE/PRESIDENT of REPUBLIC OF BIAFRA BETWEEN (1967/1970) DIM CHUKWU ODIMEGWU OJUKWU'S SPEECHES from EXILE after the WAR in the year (1970).
"As a people we have endured as only giants endure. We have fought as heroes fight. We have dared as only gods dare. We are disillusioned by the world's insensitivity to the plight of our people. Yet because our cause is just we believe we have not lost the war, only that the battlefield has changed. We are convinced that Biafra will survive. Biafra was born out of the blood of innocents slaughtered in Nigeria during the pogroms of 1966. Biafra will ever live, not as a dream but as the crystallization of the cherished hopes of a people who see in the establishment of this territory a last hope for peace and security. Biafra cannot be destroyed by mere force of arms. May I take this opportunity to thank all those persons and organizations that have sacrificed that we might live - that we assure them that their sacrifice will not be in vain. Biafra lives.
The struggle continues. Long live the Republic of Biafra.
Biafran's worldwide, Friends of Biafra and lovers of freedom in line with the recent media war/allegations leveled against some of our leaders within the executive of this struggle under RADIO BIAFRA LONDON, I hereby stand to put up this epistle to speak out from my own personal view based on fact finding which i have carefully followed for a while. I thank the entire principal Officers of this Struggle, those that started well with (NNAMDI KANU, UCHE MEFOR, and BARRISTER EMMA MEZU) under (RBL), I thank those that left their various personal business and countries where they reside to come down to Biafra Land to join this great MOVEMENT. I am writing this message from my own personal point of view as i am entitling to my own opinion as a true Biafra’n and a selfless freedom fighter. Just as you have your own opinion and entitle to it too.
Therefore i did not intend to use this missive in support of any one neither do i want to use it to attack any one either, But as CHUKWU ABIAMA may have it, i am here to speak out only the truth about all these issue flying on internet which a lot of people will agree with my point of VIEW or DEBUNK it. Before I move on, I Prince Darlington C. OKOLIE I stand here to declare and decree that any BODY that stands on the way of this restoration of our great nation Biafra shall be crushed by (AMADI OHA) god of THUNDER. Isee.
Before i move on kindly permit me to remind everyone reading this message that all we need is the restoration of our GREAT Country BIAFRA, i crave your indulgence to ZERO your sense of REASONING in order to digest the truth which shall be expose through my own personal investigation on this issue. BIAFRA is GREATER than everyone in this struggle. No one can stop us from Getting BIAFRA not even (NNAMDI KANU, UCHE MEFOR or Barrister EMMA MEZU) Because GOD has destined that BIAFRA must come in our own generation, It's time for the Pharaoh of NIGERIA should let the CHILDREN of GOD (BIAFRA) go to their promise Land. As its writing in the HOLY BIBLE and i quote: In Genesis 15:13 God told Abram that his descendants would be slaves in a foreign land for 400 years. This number is also mentioned in Acts 7:6. Exodus 12:41 says that the Israelites were in Egypt for 430 years. This number also appears in Galatians 3:17.
On January 1st 1914 the people of BIAFRA were amalgamated into an entity called NIGERIA by conquest which was meant to last for 100 years, on 31st of December 2013 that agreement expired, and we are now 100 years and 8 months in that same contraption failed state called NIGERIA. And it's time for the (Pharaoh) of that EVIL contraption (NIGERIA) should let BIAFRAN'S go back to the Land of their ancestors to worship him (CHUKWU ABIAMA) in truth and honesty, Reference to Bible:
Exodus 4:23 and I told you, "Let my son go, so he may worship me." But you refused to let him go; so I will kill your firstborn son. Our General Ojukwu was sent to deliver the BIAFRA'S from that EVIL country called NIGERIA, to let the Government of the ZOO (NIGERIA) allow his people go, they refused, instead they declared a genocidal war against the PEOPLE of BIAFRA which turned into a civil war and 5.2 million of our men, women and Innocent children were killed through hunger and starvation in support of the GREAT Britain, U.S.S.R and rest of the WORLD.
After that Genocide war, all the properties of BIAFRAN'S was declared abandoned property, they were seized, all the funds own by BIAFRAN'S were also seized and only (20 pound) was given to each and every Biafra’n citizen to start life again. The 3rs Fund which was meant to rebuild Biafra land where the war was fought was also diverted by AWOLOWO to build Lagos. these strategy of blockade/hunger strike During the war, seizure of Property/FUND'S of BIAFRAN'S was championed by Gowon the then HEAD of state Nigeria and was carried out by AWOLOWO the Yoruba MAN who happens to be the FINANCE minister during and after the WAR: thou he committed suicide and died as a fowl, event thou the Yoruba media did not carry the news then. After Ojukwu return to NIGERIA, I seem as if the struggle of BIAFRA restoration was dead in the mind of the people of Biafra, as the word of GOD says: I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.
Aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called ... He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous.
Uwazurike rose with good intention to restore BIAFRA and a lot of people followed him, along the line when the tribulation befell him the (Igbo’s) whom he was fighting for left him without any support, then the enemy (NIGERIA GOVERNMENT) made a better offer to him and he accepted it then, he started compromising the struggle by accepting money from Nigeria government. But before i move on, i want to take your mind back; I realize that his foundation was not strong based on my own personal view i do not know about yours. Below are my points.
(1) He builds the freedom house with the money he collected from (Massob) members in his own village home town (OKWE OKIGWE) in IMO STATE.
(2) He claims to be a freedom fighter yet he allows NIGERIA POLICE to escort him where ever he goes.
(3) He joined NIGERIA politics supporting the party with the higher Bidder political party in IMO state; he once claimed to have been the MAN who put the Present GOVERNOR ROCHAS OKOROCHA into POWER.
(4) He printed Biafra international passport and sale it to people when Biafra has not been recognized as a sovereign nation by UNITED NATIONS and rest of the world.
(5) He invited the ENEMY of BIAFRA in the name of.(AL MUSTAPHA, MUHAMMED ABACHA the son of EX HEAD of STATE and GANI ADAMS) the OPC/ODUDUWA leader to that sacred land of Biafra ,the same FREEDOM house and he gave them 21 GUN salute, and money was given to him to weakening this struggle of BIAFRA and it worked for them.
(6) Under Uwazuruike watch over 81 members of (Massob) were killed by NIGERIA POLICE and thrown into EZU RIVER. During PETER OBI tenure as the GOVERNOR of ANAMABRA STATE and UWAZURUIKE did nothing about it.
The autopsy of those great Biafran's killed has not been release by the government of the ZOO (Nigeria) and UWAZURUIKE kept quiet because they have succeeded buying him with MONEY and now he has hotels, hostels and houses all over the country. The Blood money he made out of the blood of the Biafran’s who died while following him with truth and honesty, to mention but few; UWAZURUIKE has never had any interview nor spoken to any foreign GOVERNMENT of any COUNTRY in regards to restoration of BIAFRA. MASSOB was not recognized by United Nations. Uwazuruike finally declare that he is leaving this struggle for politics. All i am quoting here is in record and in most of the newspapers in Nigeria. Presently the commanders under UWAZURUIKE has been divided and there was war between them which led to the killing of 5 members of MASSOB . Uwazuruike is using the NIGERIA POLICE to kill the people he is meant to protect. Is this how to be a FREEDOM fighter???
BEN ONWUKA, He is a very Vibrant Man whom i respect so much for his braveness and courage to join the FREEDOM fighting as the leader and commander of (BZM). Ben Onwuka on his own part has done well to show his braveness by trying within his capacity to capture the Enugu state Government house for hours and hoist BIAFRA FLAG which lead the Nigeria Government to declare him wanted until he invaded the ESBS RADIO station with his men to seize the STATE radio station for the purpose of declaration of Biafra.
He was apprehended with his Men and they took them to ABUJA all in the name of this restoration of BIAFRA. Now, Only RADIO BIAFRA is clamoring for his release, i leave you to pass your judgment towards his action and steps, if they were in line with the normal means of getting us BIAFRA I want you to also answer that question?? For me, I think he did the right thing in a wrong way and at the wrong timing, and the process which he followed was suicidal because they were not properly armed.
If they were properly armed and well planned they would have succeeded in that act. Therefor i leave you to your own opinion.
Billie Human Right Initiative, this is group of lawyers from Biafra land that registered under Nigeria Government claiming to be speaking for the people of Biafra, they claim they took Nigeria Government to court for the total sovereignty of BIAFRA. Their ideology and planes is to get us BIAFRA through legal means not through war. I have only but little question to ask about this group Billie,
(1) How many countries in the world got their independent through legal means?? The true answer with Verifiable fact is (NONE).
(2) The country you’re taking to court fought and killed (5.2 million) of your children, men and women just to put you together because of the crude oil in your own land, Now you want to take them to court to let you go in peace? What you could not get through war how possible can you get it through court, when the presiding judges are the same people that killed you through genocide war to make u stay as one Nigeria. Can any reasonable person think it will ever happen?
(3) Billie wrote to the country where IPOB under Radio Biafra went to buy ammunition to defend our land, they ask them never to sale it to us that we are terrorist group, when our people is been killed in millions, in the churches, bus top and malls in the northern part of Nigeria. Also simply because they’re having properties all over the country and they think if there is any war they will stand to lose them, which means they value the property they own in NIGERIA more than the life of the Indigenous people of Biafra.
Finally in a freedom fighting do you preach peace at first? My answer is NO, why is (Boko haram) been invited so many times to negotiate with NIGERIA Government? Simply because they were fighting for their RIGHT with ammunition, they wanted ISLAMIC republic of the NORTHERN NIGERIA, Are they asking to get it by PEACE? No. If we start and match together with one voice and one mind with arms to defend our land as BOKO HARAM is doing now. Don’t you think the international communities will come and ask for peace and divide the country so that the NORTH will have what they ask for which is their Islamic Republic, while we have our BIAFRA REPUBLIC which is 100% Christians territory, Then there will be peace, i still leave you to reason about this.
Radio Biafra London, The Pioneer MEMBERS of Radio Biafra London has done great and marvelous job under the control and command of (Prince Nnamdi Kanu).Radio Biafra London started from the scratch by (Prince Nnamdi Kanu and his deputy Uche Mefor and Barrister Emma Mezu) today the entire world is listening to RBL through many means and listening apps too such as,
(1) Radio forest, Tune in, RADIO BIAFRA app on mobile phones. Satellite, internet enables devices, etc. and our transmitter is on the way, soon the people at home will listen to RBL on their transistor Radio.
(2) The voice of the Indigenous people of Biafra is heard worldwide through RBL which (Prince Nnamdi Kanu, Uche mefor and Barrister Emma Mezu) runs twice on daily bases program and 7 Pm.
(3)IPOB under RBL was able to propagate the issue of Biafra to international communities, making the Government of the world to hear our voice under one platform as the Indigenous People of Biafra,
(4) The IPOB and RBL Commander/leader Prince Nnamdi Kanu with the executives/principal officer and coordinators was able to register the IPOB under UNITED NATION'S.
(5) IPOB built a cenotaph in commemoration to our fallen heroes and heroine, which was destroyed by Uwazurike and his cohort the Nigeria Police.
(6) Prince Nnamdi Kanu recognized and re install ENUGU as the capital city of BIAFRA as our late HERO OJUKWU did; he set up an OFFICE at ENUGU where he always broadcasted whenever he is in Biafra Land,
(7) He was able to cover the video footage of the EZU RIVER where 81 MASSOBIAN members were killed and dumped.
(8) Under his command the Biafran's assembled in over 88 countries of the world and we had out 30th on MAY remembrance of our 5.2 million dead Biafran’s killed during the genocide war 1967/70.
(9) Under his command and watch we bought a gigantic RADIO TRANSMITTER worth over 100, 000, 00 POUNDS STERLLINGS.
(10) Nnamdi Kanu does not only broadcast on RBL he EDUCATE the entire Biafran’s and the rest of the world, even the Government of the world listen and learn from the great Icon Nnamdi Kanu through Radio Biafra London.
(11) He granted an interview to SAHARA TV in USA, Where he eloquently spoke bravely and declares that if the ZOO (NIGERIA) fail to give us Biafra on or before December 2015 that Somalia will be like a paradise based on what will happen in that part of the world.
(12) He gave more interview to a popular radio station in USA (KLRA 870 AM Los Angeles) and another in Malaysia (BFM Malaysia 89.9 in Kuala Lumpur).
(13) Prince Nnamdi Kanu is the first and only leader of any pro Biafra Group to have visited any prison where Biafran's were held for so many reasons.
(14) Prince Nnamdi Kanu is the first and only Pro Biafra leader whom the living Biafran Soldiers/Veterans gave the mantle of leadership in the name of (Col. Ibeakanma in the presence of the same Generals that formed the Biafra High Command of 1967-70,) and the Flag was handed over to him as a mantle of leadership/command for the toughest part of this struggle. Which is beyond radio broadcasting and lectures
(15) Prince Nnamdi Kanu speaks truth always irrespective of who is affected, He never compromised in this struggle, He refused to receive any dim from any politician from Nigeria, he refused to eat and drink with our enemies, he always taking risk flying round the world educating and uniting our people all over the world and preparing the real Biafran’s worldwide physically and spiritually and otherwise for the absolute and nonnegotiable of restoration of our country Biafra.
While you keep reading this article kindly compare, subtract and give yourself a perfect answer towards this very Great, Gentle, fearless, orator and transparent LEADER/COMMANDER of the IPOB/RBL worldwide. If you find any reason to bring him down kindly state it clear with your evidence for the benefit of those reading this article.
For those peddling lies against Nnamdi Kanu, people like, NWA ADA BIAFRA, IKECHUKWU ENYIAGU, GOZIE EMANUEL, GEORGE OGUGUO, EMMANUEL NWAKWUKWU and ETC. In response to all what you guys has been gossiping against Nnamdi Kanu, I challenge any one of you to come up with a verifiable fact of any of those things u did for Biafran's such as:
(1) I start with Nwada Biafra, your case is a different case because from all indication you are not a woman but a man who is hiding under a feminine gender name (NWADA BIAFRA) and writing rubbish. SHOW YOUR FACE on your Facebook account, come up with your real name just as the world knows that (NNAMDI KANU) is THE NAME OF our LEADER ,Until you do so i will stop answering you nor responding to any of your post against him, because you sound like one who is only interested in this struggle for your personal interest which is making money through this struggle, and since you’re not getting it you are fighting tooth and nail to see how u can dent the name of OUR LEADER NNAMDI KANU.
Therefore your case to me is considered inconsequential and i declare you and your post persona non grata henceforth.
(2)IKECHUKWU ENYIAGU, I want to start with a proverb that goes this way in IGBO language ( Nwata rijue afo osi chi ya puta mgba) meaning when a child is over fed he will challenge his (god) for wrestling. IKECHUKWU, I will never discredit your earlier effort towards this struggle, you started well but due to EGOCENTRIC syndrome in you, you went out of control to challenge your master just as the (Lucifer) did in HEAVEN and was chase away by GOD himself.
You were no body in Malaysia; Director brought you down to Biafra land and cleans you up, made you. And promoted your name to ring bell worldwide through Radio Biafra, He praised you so much and made you very popular that is why you no longer recognize that it’s a (taboo) for a man to bite the finger that fed him. The car you use in Biafra Land belong to (H.R.H EZE ISRAEL KANU) the father of OUR leader your master NNAMDI KANU. The flat where you LIVE was rented by this same MAN; which is the money the Biafran’s worldwide donate to take care of all the principal officers on ground. He put shelter upon your head, feed and clothed you. When you lost your father NNAMDI KADU and the IPOB family helped you during his burial, (MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE AMEN.)You forgot so easily that you are like a minus if the number of Biafran’s worldwide is counted?
But you were made to see yourself as the most important person. The BIAFRANS home and abroad is more than 90 million people. So if there is no IKECHUKWU ENYIAGU in this struggle BIAFRA will come. Because you are just like one single hair in a human’s head: If you re been removed nobody can notice you. Therefore what so ever you chose to write against OUR LEADER NNAMDI KANU, you can write it as long as you wish, but i promise you one thing. YOU CAN NEVER BE CLOSE TO what NNAMDI KANU REPRESENT both in this struggle and on EARTH. You cannot compete with him. You’re just like a child compare to Nnamdi the more you write against him the more People love him, the more you makes him more popular, the more you belittle yourself and showing the world your deluded childish and myopic sense of reasoning. I still leave people to see things from their own point of view.
(3) GOZIE EMMANUEL, I still respect and recognize your effort towards this struggle from beginning. As my brother I advise you to bury your hatchet and be focused, but if I may ask you my question now, why has it taking you this long to write and Condemn NNAMDI KANU? When you set up the GOZIE 10 BATALLION FUND RAISING, Did NNAMDI handle that account for you or not? You brought a good idea which never yields any good seed as expected because a lot of people were still living in doubt, and Nnamdi is doing great job educating more people traveling and convincing people with the help of the coordinators worldwide.
Gozie i challenge you to tell the world if Nnamdi ever compromised in this struggle? Did he go to our enemies to discourse any things against the restoration of this struggle? Has Nnamdi collected any money from any politician from Nigeria which you know and have evidence to prove? Or from Nigeria government as UWAZURUIKE did? Has Nnamdi Kanu embezzled any fun belonging to BIAFRA’N? Has he been ravishing our fund for his personal reasons or otherwise? If any of this is not applicable, then my brother you should go and sit somewhere and rest your head and then think on how to help yourself. You are free to join any group you deemed fit.
That you were demoted does not give you any reason to start writing rubbish against Nnamdi KANU, if i may ask you this question. Kindly tell the BIAFRAN'S when last did you visit NIGERIA or Biafra land? And i will tell you that NNAMDI KANU has been broadcasting from many states in that ZOO NIGERIA. Example. (ABA, OWERRI, NNEWI, ONITSHA, ENUGU AND LAGOS). How many of you and your cohort can do that? GOZIE you downgraded yourself so much when you visited MANCHESTER to DEBATE with NNAMDI KANU and fail to speak to the WOLRD through the microphone provided to you, instead you were asking for his own personal MIROPHONE, OMG i cannot believe that what exactly happened in HEAVEN between GOD and LUCIFAR still exist within us, and who are you to ask for his own MIC when every other person use the other MIC meant for the people in the meeting, which you rejected in other word trying to make yourself (chi). Egocentric syndrome is the main problem that is driving you and IKECHUKWU ENYIAGU. Bet me it will lead you guys to nowhere but down to destruction. My people you can still make something out of this my little point here.
(4)This GOES to the women that declared themselves out of this struggle, May i bring this to your notice that BIAFRAN WOMEN worldwide is more than 50 million, and if you Think because your voice is heard and you occupy any position in this struggle, then you have arrived ohh sorry my dear formidable women in making. Sorry for your information my biological (MOTHER) Is more Biafran than you all, she may be an OLD WOMAN but can never stop from supporting the issue of Biafra just as you women cowardly did, I am so glad that the real BIAFRAN WOMEN are now coming up to dis associate themselves from that your declaration which NGOZI MMADU cheaply declared on AIR that you women want to leave the struggle for the MEN. I still want to remind you people that ATONEMENT is working.
So let the weak Biafran women sit down and let the real strong and obedient Biafran women come up to take the leadership of women of BIAFRA and we shall see how we will not get BIAFRA. Biafra is a spirit once it possessed you then you will walk without retreating nor surrendering. Now i remember the word of (EBERECHUKWU ANIGBAOGU) but I do not want to use it here because it no longer makes any sense to me, And I FEEL like calling you names now, but i will respect you now for only one reason and that reason is best known to me. In addition to that because you were a good Biafran until the BAD eggs started using you to bring us backward. Women claim that the second phase struggle has failed, which is pure lie. Removing of (UCHENNA ASIEGBU) as head of directorate should not be determined by the women: but by our LEADER and COMMANDER (NNAMDI KANU):
(5) GEORGE OGUGUO, I also challenge you to state clear what you have done in support of this struggle within your capacity as a person? When last did you go to Biafra land? How much have you contributed? You are like one of those forbidden seed of this struggle and you were demoted long time ago you were dropped alongside with (chidera) in the USA long time ago so go and sit down too, I always read your gossiping, rotten and inciting write up against NNAMDI KANU ONLINE. I Challenge you to dare NNAMDI KANU by starting something under your own capacity in support of this struggle. We have, MASSOB, BZM, BLC, BIILLIE, and the one and only RBL which is the main VOICE CARRIER of the IPOB worldwide, GEORGE OGUGIO, IKECHUKWU ENYIAGU, GOZIE EMMANUEL, EMMANUEL NWACHUKWU And the phantom formidable BIAFRAN WOMEN in making that drop this struggle. IDARE YOU PEOPLE TO START ANY GROUP of your own to get us Biafra and I will support you financially as I can .I GIVE YOU GUYS BETWEEN NOW and next month to do that or forever keep quiet against NNAMDI KANU because he is a GOD'S sent to US. Take it OR LEAVE IT. HE is ready to go to the battle field with the soldiers on the ground.
(6) EMMANUEL NWACHUKWU, You’re a pathetic, stinking myopic moron, after reading your chat with UCHE MEFOR. I refer it to your entire inbox messages which you always sent to me, I remember all your calls on SKYPE and I am beginning to believe that you may be on Drug for daring to convert me to join you and your group. I am a Biafra’n and I am on the right track with the IPOB under Radio Biafra, i came on AIR to let the world know how you has been trying with your empty brain filled with maggot trying to corrupt my mind for follow the true path for this struggle which is RBL under the COMMAND and LEADERSHIP of NNAMDI KANU, and you still have the effronteries to call me on Skype today to ask why i did that. You even boasted to me that you have set RBL ON FIRE that you will come after me later hahahah this is laughable, Hey OLD FOOL I am sorry for you and your generation because you do not know whom you trying to play with.
You have boasted that you will catch Nnamdi Kanu and KILL him it’s on RECORD, but let me remind you EMMANUEL NWACHUKWU. As a history student i learn from History. On NOVEMBER 4TH in the YEAR 1995 in ISREAL something happened and i wish to educate you if only your brain filled with maggot is still working try to make something out of it. Here i go. Read for you self, the assassination of (Yitzhak Rabin) the late formal Prime minister of ISRAEL took place on November 4, 1995 (12th of Marcheshvan, 5756 on the Hebrew calendar) at 21:30, at the end of a rally in support of the Oslo Accords at the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv. The assassin, an Israeli ultranationalist terrorist named Yigal Amir, strenuously opposed Rabin's peace initiative and particularly the signing of the Oslo Accords. The assassin was (Yigal Amir), a former Hesder student and far-right law student at Bar-Ilan University.
Amir had strenuously opposed Rabin's peace initiative, particularly the signing of the Oslo Accords, because he felt that an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank would deny Jews their “biblical heritage which they had reclaimed by establishing settlements.” Amir had come to believe that Rabin was a rodef, meaning a "pursuer” who endangered Jewish lives. The concept of din rodef ("law of the pursuer") is a part of traditional Jewish law. Amir believed he would be justified under din rodef in removing Rabin as a threat to Jews in the territories.
NWACHUKWU EMMANUEL, If you truly know what this little message stands for, then you and your cohort must disease from any further threat to NNAMDI KANU because any attempt or plans to hurt him is tantamount to futile this struggle which is restoration of BIAFRA. And you know the result, we do not want a Biafra that will come the way you and your Billie group is planning which to me is nothing but phantom and illusion ideology. We need to go and face BOKO HARAM in defending our land, getting our land back from these thieves called HAUSA/FULANI YORUBA oligarchy.
Finally to all of you that come on air singing praises and raining your dreams and interpretations, calling NNAMDI KANU sweet NAMES GIVING HIM ASSURANCE that you guys re always behind and beside him, just to make names. Notice me things, you all knew your selves, i have only but few advice to you guys. But before i move on, in the holy bible ; The prediction, made by Jesus during the Last Supper that Peter would deny and disown him, appears in the Gospel of Matthew 26:33-35, the Gospel of Mark 14:29 -31, the Gospel of Luke 22:33-34 and the Gospel of John 13:36-38. According to the Gospel of Matthew: I have said it so many times to Director that people he trusted will be the first propel to deny him when he is in trouble, let your conscience judge you to your bone marrow.
I rest my case here and i say thank you GREAT effervescent, wonderful, relentless and formidable people of BIAFRA, KEEP on the GOOD WORK, all the coordinators of THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF BIAFRA WORLDWIDE. Do not compromise, do not relent, do not listen to rumor mongers, be focused and do your work, to all the BIAFRAN. Do not stop supporting this struggle, and keep praying for OUR LEADER/COMMANDER OF THIS MOVEMENT PRINCE NNAMDI KANU. Together we shall get BIAFRA and our enemies shall sit back and see that GOD of BIAFRA is still alive.

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