Wednesday 1 October 2014

Danish Muslim Party claims that Denmark will be the first Muslim nation in Europe

Posted on 9/28/2014 by

The dreams of the Muslim world go far beyond the expanding borders of the Islamic State in the Middle East and Boko Haram in Africa.

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“Danish Muslim Party claims that Denmark will be the first Muslim nation in Europe,” TMI, September 24, 2014

A website claiming to be the Danish Muslim Party (DAMP) published a “press release” in English and Danish, saying that Denmark will be the first Muslim nation in Europe.
The website also stated as follows:
“[W]e can assure you that everything will be better in muslim Denmark: No drugs, no crime, peace, and humanity- instead of drug culture, immorality, possibly human rights crimes and violence which we have now.”
“Every immigrant or muslim in danish jails should be released from prisons, because it is possible that there has been plotting or framing or provocation towards them – and all cases should be investigated againcarefully.”
“Muslim party will be biggest party of Denmark – and it may be soon. First day after Turkey becomes EU member country – about one million 20-50 year old Muslims [may] move to Denmark, and after that Denmark [may] be a muslim country. Be ready!”
“Danish Muslim party’s only agenda is to get Muslims into Danish politics and into the parliament, no matter what our ideas and religious or political beliefs are.”
“Citing the logic that as they live in Denmark and number around 700,000 Muslims, “we could actually have about 60 (=1/3) Muslim representatives in Danish parliament, and therefore also in Danish government”, thatDenmark may be the first Muslim land in Europe and able to have Muslim ideas, values and viewpoints become heard, respected and understood better, and discrimination stopped.
“It says that “we have Freedom of religion in Denmark, and therefore everyone has the right to practice their religion what ever it is, and also society must respect every religion and accept its manners and beliefs therefore for example the Danish People’s Party’s (DF) opinions and agenda may be criminal, and may become judged as a crime if judgedaccording to international laws.”
“The web site claims it is “unbelievable that Denmark has no Muslim as Integrations Minister” and that “treating immigrants wrongly will in the future cause riots and many problems – and therefore it is a must to get Muslims into politics – not throw immigrants out of life in Denmark” before going on to claim that “modern Danish politics can be called apartheid politics – you cannot even read anywhere in Denmark what Muslims or immigrants think or say about situation in Denmark.”

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