Wednesday 8 October 2014

WOMAN OF THE SUN: Marriages fail because both parties expect too much from each other – Pastor Okonma

Pastor Soibi Okonma is the General Overseer of Disciples of Christ International Ministries, Lagos. A Kalabari woman but married in Ibusa, Delta State, Soibi is one woman who has defied the challenges of being a woman pastor and has continued to grow stronger in the Lord’s vineyard. In this interview, she spoke about the challenges of being a female pastor, marriage and her contributions to the development of other women especially widows in the fold

Some people say that career women do not do well in marriage. Do you agree and if yes, why is this so?
Basically, marriage is extremely demanding, but people don’t get to see it as that. Marriage is a situation where you decide whether to make it work. Many of us face challenges in our offices, but we don’t quit. Instead, we choose to make a success of it.  But when it comes to marriage, it becomes a different ball game. I feel that many parents don’t train their children for marriage. We don’t emotionally talk to our children about marital expectations. A lot of people get into marriage thinking it is a fairy tale. Our expectations are a bit too high for the other person who is also expecting somebody to pamper him and be a mother and sister. So we come in with two ideas, it is like walking on two different top lines.
So, the career woman has to come to a place where she understands that her husband also needs emotion; he needs somebody who is strong. The husband has to understand that the woman needs somebody who is strong. If we bring this trend into marriage, marriage is not for weaklings. Marriage is about responsibility. For a career woman, who is doing so much and is expecting sympathy from her husband, she expects total concern; she needs to find a balance. The thing is everybody has to work out a pattern that will help our marriages work.

What are your challenges as a female pastor?
There are meetings that I have gone to and it is like God is only speaking to the men, when people come out from the prayer land prophesies come on. You find that 80 per cent of the people who step out are men. For me, as a woman and as a pastor, it is challenging but I think it is something that everybody can do, if you are sure God has called you. The important thing is that you make sure God has called you because if God doesn’t call you, you will struggle. If God calls you, there is a passion in you that makes you not to stop and nobody can stop you. There will be situations, crisis and problems, but you won’t be able to stop. There was a time in my life that as a pastor, I just wanted to resign. For me that is an experience I truly cherish.

How have you used your ministry to help other women?
When you help a woman, you helped her family. So, helping a woman is not about just one person; every time you touch a life, you probably touch other many lives. We empower women financially for their business. We did some last year. Now we have started working with widows.
We have started financially empowering women on small scales and rebuilt some others whose businesses were shutdown. There is a woman recently that we have to help put her shop back again because her children feed from that shop. We also run a school for indigent children. We have given scholarship to these children because their parent couldn’t pay their school fees. But truly we need people to help us with that because having to provide their accommodation, feed them as well as paying their school fees is a big burden.
We need people to assist us because we have qualified teachers who are working with us we need to be paid. If we can keep families back on track with the little assistance, we will be happy knowing that there is a secured future for them.

What has life taught you?
Life has taught me that God can do all things. Life has taught me that God can restore marriages that you think is over. Life has taught me that with God, nothing is impossible. I believe it is not over for anybody. If you can only believe in God, all things are possible to them that believe.

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