Wednesday 8 October 2014

Abia mess and mendacious Cosmos Ndukwe

There could not have been anything more perverse than the disingenuous interview Cosmos Ndukwe, the Chief of Staff to Governor Theodore Orji of Abia State, arranged with The Guardian and published on two full pages last Thursday, October 2. All through the editorial obscenities, from the first line to almost the last one, all the leading and collusive questions and answers centred on the former governor, Dr. Orji Kalu. As a veteran journalist, I know full well the interplay of space mechanics and its intertwined fiduciary underpinnings!
The moment President Goodluck Jonathan made a mortal misjudgment of giving a national honour to the worst governor in the country, I knew that this unwitting endorsement of incompetence will inexorably be celebrated by moronic aides and opportunists of the governor. As I had predicted, the first display of the grandeur of self-delusion is no other person than Ndukwe, who declared in The Guardian interview that his principal had “outshined him (Kalu) in virtually all facets of life…added to Governor Orji’s recent conferment of the national honour award of CON, which OUK did not have.”
I am astonished that Ndukwe does not know that Kalu received this kind of award years back when the bestowment still had credibility and public regard. Lately, the award list wears the garb of controversy because some undeserving characters are included on sentimental considerations or spousal relationships! On what grounds will Governor Orji be entitled to such a privilege if not for his wife’s adumbrated familiarity with the First Lady and by extrapolation their husbands? If not that the award has become a dispensing of presidential favours to acolytes and other emotive beneficiaries, like Governor Orji, what criteria would have qualified him?
Beyond the misplaced conferment of a national award to the worst governor in the world, in terms of good governance, do most Nigerians still attach any importance to the yearly ritual? This is buttressed by the serial rejection of the award by the late Prof. Chinua Achebe and other illustrious citizens, including Prof. Wole Soyinka. If an opinion poll is conducted today, a majority of Nigerians will roundly condemn the travesties now associated with the honours. This, however, is not to say there are no deserving icons among the awardees. Most of them truly earned it – and the good thing is that Nigerians know such honorees.  This fact notwithstanding, a lot of our countrymen still hold the awards in great contempt. For now, so much on this easily perceptible presidential gaffe, which was conceived, single-handed, by Dame Patience and optimally dummied to the summit.
Ndukwe, like his other co-travellers, talked about the demystification of Kalu by Governor Orji, whom he refers to as “my principal” in every paragraph, as if that was in contention! It just shows the level of pettiness among these cranky Orji hero-worshippers. Do you demystify someone, who took you from nowhere and gave you national prominence and reckoning? Is it possible tomorrow for an Ndukwe to demystify Orji? This same Chief of Staff said his current principal had “outshined” his former principal in virtually all aspects of life – principalities at work! In modern discourse, they no longer make sweeping statements and overgeneralisations. Ndukwe should have told us, in specific terms, the particular aspects of life and living that a colourless, feeble and figurehead principal (again!) had done better than their erstwhile principal for eight years. Is it global popularity, national fame, philanthropy, job creation, personal income/wealth, lifestyle, overall accomplishments, political invaluableness, economic ideology, governorship accomplishment and CSR by his conglomerate, ad infinitum?
Governor Orji has, indeed, outclassed Kalu in media-buying, elders’ stomach infrastructural management, intimidation of political opponents and intimidation of journalists, among others. I take off my hat for Ochendo grassroots, gburugburu and worldwide for dusting his predecessor in office on these variables!
By the way, who is Cosmos Ndukwe? Here is a man, who was a freelance photographer in Aba and was brought to the employment notice of Orji Uzor Kalu (OUK) by OUK’s younger brother, Nnanna, a patron of the itinerant photographer. Consequently, he was made the GM of one of the government agencies by OUK. When Governor Orji (TAO) went to Aba and had volatile issues with the residents, it was Ndukwe, as the ‘boys’ captain’ that led the rescue mission, hence the compensation, as Chief of Staff made possible by Chinedu, whom he calls Oga and regards more than the governor. Shortly before this appointment, Ndukwe had raised some money and rented an office on Okigwe Road in Aba, where he ran CONK Computers and later built hotels in Aba. Look at the profile of the cameraman picked up by OUK, blabbing about the same OUK.
Ndukwe says Kalu has been clandestinely sending emissaries to beg his principal. Is there anything left that is hidden apart from this alleged nocturnal intervention? Can Ndukwe tell his boss to mention the names of these intermediaries and their solicitations? Making presumptive claims on the pages of newspapers will only obfuscate issues. What is it that Orji has or has done that Kalu should be envious of? Political dynasties are not new. All over the world, it is an accepted phenomenon. So, if it is one of the sins of Kalu, let it be. Governor Orji is desperate of going to the Senate while he is positioning his son, Chinedu, for the House of Representatives. How will Mr. COS describe the development? If Kalu preoccupied himself with politics and the next elections, while Governor Orji thought about Abia and its people, as stated by Ndukwe, is it not the same Abians that Prince Arthur Eze described not long ago during his auspicious visit to Umuahia on the invitation of the government as being despondent and in need of redemption?  What future do Abians have after years of rapaciously retrogressive governance from 2007 till date?
Let the Nigerian public judge: Between OUK and TAO, who has been more indecorous since their tiff started? The truth of this matter cannot be hidden for too long. All the Ndukwes, parroting their “conquest” of OUK will still live in this country post-TAO’s villainous tenure when revelations and possible return to prison will take the centre-stage. Immunity and Igbo tradition do not exempt a combative sitting governor from being tongue-lashed by his benefactor if the need arises. That is not desperation or frustration by any shred but calling a spade a spade without timidity or cowardice, as Ndukwe had expected of OUK. If OUK is not the only former governor, TAO equally is not the only sitting governor – this is just one of the illogicalities of Ndukwe. Respect begets respect.
TAO cannot be rubbishing OUK in all spheres of life through various channels and expect him to swallow the delinquencies. There is no consideration for elders or clannish seniority in politics – if you attain senility, you quit for the youth. Politics is a leveler without primordial ethnic values or chameleonic provisions characteristic of TAO. There is nothing whatsoever to suggest that OUK has been secretly seeking reconciliation with his beneficiary. Chances are that any girl, who accuses a man of sexual harassment will get a sympathetic audience. The same analogy applies to TAO and OUK. It is only blissfully ignorant people that will have a higher probability and propensity of believing craps like OUK’s intimidating profile, liberation from his stranglehold, envy, desperation and lately lessons on Igbo traditional values by this latest TAO apologist.
In his mendacity, Ndukwe talked about “Abia Elders” and how they are offering counsel to TAO, which OUK never allowed. Who are these so-called elders and what are the criteria that confer such elevated status on them? How can a few men constitute that category of Abians? What roles have they played in making the state be like other 23-year-old creations? Is it not true that these few “elders” get monthly handouts from TAO? Have they been compromised or not in the circumstance? Why did it take Prince Eze from Enugu State to explicate the abject impoverishment, poverty of humanity and social infrastructural collapse in Abia State? Do the so-called Abia elders want to tell Nigerians that the state is what it should be? An association of true elders should be all-inclusive and all embracing – not just few Abians from Umuahia, Isiukwuato and Ugwunagbo.
Let us take another inebriate quote from Ndukwe: “Governance is not about dominating the media or using the one available to cast aspersions on the person of the state governor.” Which governor in contemporary Nigeria has dominated the print and electronic media more than TAO? Is there any week, if not day, that media audiences are not harassed with releases from Umuahia either lambasting OUK or presenting mechanistic photo-shop (computer-generated) pictures of non-existent or rehabilitated legacy projects? Which state government in Nigeria has had published supplements more than Abia under Ndukwe’s principal? If revealing the underdevelopment of Abia equates to “casting aspersions”, so be it.
Nwankwo, a veteran journalist, lives on Okigwe Road, Aba.
We must sustain democracy of peace 
 KEN NWANI The Amalgamation of the North and South to form Nigeria in 1914 by Sir Lord Lugard for the benefit of Britain started the crises of Nigeria. Factors that determine unity of a nation are: Having a common language and religion. You can only unite people who have these two factors in common to form a successful and peaceful country. Example: Great Britain and United States of America. But because much death and blood have been shed, let us go on with one Nigeria. Whatever you cannot change; you can find a way of managing it successfully. With the help of God/Allah it will surely work out successfully. We are partially practicing American system of government, hence, we must modify it to suit our country for it to be successful. That is the sacrifice we must make to sustain the unity.
The sacrifice is called “democracy for peace,” which means government of the people for the people on agreed zoning system of the people.
The struggle for enthronement of democracy has seen Nigeria undergoing many phases. The sudden death of Abiola because of elections and subsequent death of  General Sani Abacha, God sent General Abdusalami Abubakar, who brought out General Olusegun Obasanjo from the South to contest for Presidency. Obasanjo won the election to become the President of Nigeria. Having been succeeded by the late President Umar Yar’Adua, the stage for rotation of the Presidency was set.
For unity, peace and fairness, rotation of the presidency or other top offices, like governor and local government chairman should subsist.  This should apply in Delta State, since Chief James Onanefe Ibori from Delta Central ruled for eight years and handed over to Dr. Emmanuel Eweta Uduaghan from Delta South. Hopefully, Uduaghan will continue by handing over to a Delta North candidate by next year, in the spirit of rotation.
At the national level, rotation should apply after President Goodluck Jonathan completes his eight years in office. He deserves a second term. If he refuses to bid for second tenure, his people mostly Otuoke will be unhappy with him. He will also be tag a betrayal of his people. Therefore, he must go for second term, so that he will have time to complete his laudable programme.
All Nigeria must work for the sustenance of democracy. The National Assembly work for democracy. Elections must hold next year, as prescribed by the constitution, those who are threatening that there will be no election if the kidnapped Chibok girls are not rescued do not wish Nigeria well. Let us work for democracy for faster development.

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