Thursday 9 October 2014

Galadima heads Reconciliation Committee

The newly elected Executive Com­mittee of the Ni­geria Football Federation, (NFF) rose from its inaugural meet­ing Wednesday night committing to get all ag­grieved parties in the election crisis back into the football family and appointed former NFA chairman, Alhaji Ibra­him Galadima to head the Peace and Reconciliation Committee.
In a communiqué made available to Daily Sun- Sports last night at the end of the committee’s meeting held at the Transcorp Hil­ton Hotel and attended by all the elected members, the executive committee said it was determined to find a lasting and peaceful solution among all con­cerned.
“In line with the determi­nation to ensure quick and total reconciliation of the Nigeria football family fol­lowing three months of cri­ses, the Committee set up a Peace and Reconciliation Committee to be headed by former NFF President, Alhaji Ibrahim Galadima.”
While expressing deep appreciation to the Fed­eral Government, National Sports Commission, FIFA, CAF and various organi­zations and well –meaning individuals who contrib­uted to the success of the NFF Elective Congress of 30th September, 2014 in Warri, and the processes leading thereunto, the com­mittee led by the President, Mr. Amaju Melvin Pinnick pledged to run a transparent and accountable adminis­tration.

Galadima heads Reconciliation Committee

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