Monday 28 April 2014

Elechi blames South East govs for delay in creation of additional state Elechi blames South East govs for delay in creation of additional state

Elechi blames South East govs for delay in creation of additional state

 Elechi blames South East govs for delay in creation of additional state
By JEFF AMECHI AGBODO, Abakaliki on April 28, 2014 · National

Governor Martin Elechi of Ebonyi State has blamed South-East governors for the delay in the creation of additional state for the zone.

The governor said President Goodluck Jonathan was before now ready to push for the creation of additional state for the South-East  but noted that the governors from the zone were not steadfast because of the area it would be carved out from.

Elechi, who spoke to journalists after the church service yesterday at Governors House Chapel during the child dedication of his Chief Press Secretary, Dr. Onyekachi Eni, said since the consensus was building up for the creation of additional state for the South-East, Adada state stood the best chance in all ramifications.

According to him, “we the governors of the South-East should be blamed for not enforcing the demand for the additional state for the zone. This is because President Jonathan was ready to push our case of state imbalance to the National Assembly, but we the governors never agreed from which  area of the South East zone the new state will be carved out.

“But for now, the consensus is building up to the fact that in terms of the history of state creation demand, the landmarks and  even for development, Adada stands a better chance. I believe that this time around, we shall be more proactive for the new state in the South-East that will bring it to six states for the zone,” he stated.

He however, supported the zonal structure already existing but rejected regional government.

“We acknowledge the need for the zonal structure to remain but not with zonal government. We don’t want regional government. Then again if you look at the six states for the six zones, the South-East has only five states which is not supposed to be so.  There is need for additional state for the South-East state and without having regional government.”

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