Wednesday 30 April 2014

Join journey for change –Abia APC chairman

The new state chairman of All Progressives Congress (APC) in Abia State, Chief Fabian Okonkwo has said that the task ahead of the party is to create a self-sufficient and prosperous state, this is  even  as he called on Abians to join the party as they embark on the journey for change.

He stated this yesterday shortly after the inaugural meeting of the party, in Umuahia. He said that the party was out to expand the choices of the people to develop their full potentials and lead productive  and creative lives in accordance with their talents, needs and interests.

He  added that he would also want the people to lead lives that they value and improve the human condition, believing that human well being is the purpose and the end of development.

The new chairman dissolved all personal structures hitherto existing or parallel to the party structures and directed that youths and women leaders should form ward and local government wings immediately.

He warned that indiscipline and anti-party activities would not be tolerated and charged all members to obtain a copy of the party’s constitution to guide their conduct.

In his acceptance speech yesterday, Okonkwo thanked members for electing him to a position of trust and responsibility as the first state chairman of the party, acknowledging the sincere sacrifices many have made since, “we began this journey to establish APC in Abia State; beginning from membership registration, through to the ward and local government congresses, and now a successful state congress.”

He called on Abians of all occupations and backgrounds to join APC as they embark on the journey for change.

“The road ahead in our march for freedom and equality will be rough and our struggle tough; for our oppressors are well accustomed to appropriating our common wealth to themselves and are determined to maintain the status quo.

“They will fight us with everything in their arsenal including corrupt security forces and empowered thug groups in the guise of youth and support organisations.”

“But together, believing in the righteousness of our cause, we will build a revolutionary movement for change, organise and seize control of our destiny once and for all,”  Okonkwo said.

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