Friday 18 April 2014

JAMB cancels 36,164 results, withholds 2,49

JAMB Registrar and Chief Executive, Prof. Dibu Ojerinde
The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board on Thursday released the results of the 2014 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination five days after it was conducted.

According to the board, only 47 candidates scored 250 and above.

Over one million candidates wrote the Dual-based test and Paper Pencil Test last Saturday across the country.

The JAMB Registrar and Chief Executive, Prof. ‘Dibu Ojerinde, who announced this in Abuja, said 2,494 results were withheld for further scrutiny.

Another 36,164 results, he added, were declared invalid.

Ojerinde, who said there was sharp decline in examination malpractice, noted that a medical doctor was caught in Jigawa State for writing the examination for his wife.

According to him, all the examination centres indicted for malpractice and extortion would be sanctioned by the Board after investigation.

Further statistics by the Registrar, showed that 990,179 candidates sat for the PPT while 25,325 candidates sat for DBT.

According to Ojerinde, 995,901 applicants still preferred universities as first choice institutions compared to polytechnics and colleges of education, despite lesser admission carrying capacity for the universities.

Colleges of Education had 20,558 interested applicants, followed by polytechnics with 13,761 applicants and 32 for Innovative Enterprises.

Ojerinde stated that 24 candidates who sat for the PPT scored 250 and above, 108,488 scored between 200 and 249; 315,401 scored 170-199; 115,456 scored 160-169; 122,157 scored 150-159, while 275,282 candidates scored below 150.

For the DBT mode, 23 candidates scored 250 and above, 1,309 scored between 200 and 249, 6,678 scored 170-199; 3,808 scored 160-169; 2,830 scored 150-159 while 2,471 candidates scored below 150.

Ojerinde, who debunked speculation that candidates could get their results upgraded through the internet, cautioned the public to be wary of fraudsters.

“Information reaching us in JAMB shows that some internet fraudsters are already telling candidates that their results could be upgraded in one form or the other. It is pure deceit”, he said.

Ojerinde, who said “the examination was one of the most successfully conducted exercises ever by the Board”, added that over a dozen handsets and irregular answer sheets among others were found on candidates.

Source: Punch

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