Monday 28 April 2014

PDM snubs Anenih, fixes convention for August

PDM snubs Anenih, fixes convention for August

PDM snubs Anenih, fixes convention for August

Despite the threat by a faction of the Peoples’ Democratic Movement led by Chief Tony Anenih to institute litigation against  the leadership of the new political party, with same acronym, the PDM, leadership of the political party at the weekend fixed August for conduct of its national convention to elect substantive national officers.

Recall that  the faction loyal to the Chairman of the PDP Board of Trustees, Chief Anenih at a recent meeting called on the INEC to deregister the new political party and  claimed that the new political party was registered clandestinely without the knowledge of the founding fathers of the movement formed by the late Shehu Musa Yar’Adua.

In the  team led by Chief Anenih which claimed to be PDM foundation members and elders committee are Senator Abubakar Mahdi, Dr Farouk Abdualzeez, Dubem Onyia, amongst others .

The faction which insisted that the PDM and PDP were mutually inclusive further threatened to take court action against the leadership of the new political party led by Bashir Ibrahim Yusuff.

But  the PDM in a communiqué read to newsmen at the weekend in Abuja at the  end of a meeting of the national executive committee, national advisory and chairmen of state stakeholders committee of the party declared that state and national officers of the party would emerge through a consensus arrangement in the next four months.

The communiqué signed by  the PDM National Publicity Secretary, Ahmed Rufai Abubakar, noted that the consensus option was adopted  in line with  its determination to ensure harmony within the young political party.

The party chieftains who expressed satisfaction over  the achievements of some of their stated priorities which include,  the establishment of party structures at all levels across  the country and registration of party members in all the wards across the country however stated that election would be conducted where consensus fails.
The party also resolved to set up a national fund raising committee ahead of its forthcoming congresses and national convention.

The communiqué read in part:’’  National Executive Committee of the Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM) met with members of the National Advisory Committee and Chairmen of State Stakeholders Committees of the party to review the conduct of the manual membership registration exercise of the party which held between March 17 and 25, 2014 as well as strategise for the conduct of congresses and national convention of the party.

“Following reports received from the state chairmen and national officers, who were deployed to monitor and supervise the exercise, the party noted with great satisfaction that the membership registration exercise was a huge success, surpassing expectations, in spite of the hitches experienced in Ekiti and Kogi States.

It was resolved that NEC should consider a special dispensation for the two states to enable them tidy up and resolve the challenges confronting them.

‘’Consequent upon this huge success, the Party commended its officers and members for their sacrifice and for the peaceful and successful conduct of the exercise. The Party most especially appreciated the sacrifice made by officers and members in conducting the exercise through personal contributions of Party officials and members in their own states, LGAs and wards. This, it was observed, is unprecedented in the history of Party politics in the country and demonstrates the commitment and resolve of members towards growing and sustaining the Party along the lines of its guiding philosophy of ownership by members, big and small.

‘’ The meeting further observed that with the successful completion of the manual membership registration exercise, the Party had attained the third, amongst its four priority programmes following its registration by the Independent National Electoral Commission in August, 2013.

‘’This goes to show that the Party has come of age under a committed and focused leadership. The three other priorities are a) successful establishment of Party structures at all levels across the country, b) establishing Party offices in the 36 states of the federation and FCT, and c) registration of Party members in all the wards across the country.

‘’ Following the attainment of the third priority programme, the

Party is now positioned and ready to embark on the fourth priority

programme, which is the conduct of Congresses and National Convention to elect its substantive officers at all levels (Wards, Local Government Areas, States, Zones and National).

‘’In setting about the above task, the meeting resolved to adopt and promote consensus among Party members in producing officers and to conduct election where consensus fails. Along these lines, officers of the Party, leaders and members were advised to commence preliminary consultations and engagements towards the Congresses and Convention slated for not later than August, 2014.

‘’To raise funds for the forthcoming Congresses and National

Convention, it was resolved that a National Fundraising Committee is to be formed and put to work with immediate effect. State chairmen were advised to consult and send in a nominee each by Monday, April 28 so that the Committee could be inaugurated before the end of April 2014.

‘’The meeting  noted with delight the deluge of requests from members and leaders of other political parties who wish to defect to the Peoples Democratic Movement and directed Party leaders at all levels to make adequate arrangements to receive the defectors . It was further emphasised that, in line with its philosophy and spirit of openness, leaders of  Peoples Democratic Movement at all levels should always welcome, accept and confer its membership rights, privileges and responsibilities on members of other political parties who align themselves with the spirit and philosophy of the PDM and decide to join the Party.’’

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