Monday 21 April 2014

Obiano, Archbishop Okeke worship at Onitsha prison

 Obiano, Archbishop Okeke worship at Onitsha prison

Obiano, Archbishop Okeke worship at Onitsha prison
By DOM EKPUNOBI, ONITSHA on April 21, 2014
Anambra State Governor, Chief Willie Obiano and the Catholic Archbishop of Onitsha, His Grace, Most Rev. Va­lerian Okeke yesterday celebrated their Easter with prison inmates at Onitsha prison. The prisoners and other worshipers, who joined in the service were over­whelmed with joy when the governor stepped into the prison premises for the service, which was the first time an executive governor of the state would attend an Easter service with the pris­ oners in Onitsha prison.

As for Archbishop Okeke, he had been a regular cel­ebrant at the prison yard as his Christmas, Easter and birthdays were celebrated at Onitsha prisons.

In his sermon at the large­ly attended church service, Archbishop Okeke preached peace and love among the people.

He enjoined the prisoners to see their confinement as a necessary experience for their transformation.

The Archbishop said that, virtually all humans were prisoners, pointing out that while some were confined to prison yards, others were outside in the world having their experiences.

According to him, any prisoner of the land must know that he has already been set free by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

He expressed joy that in less than two months after he was sworn- in as the gover­nor of Anambra State, Chief Obiano had come to worship and identify with the inmates of Onitsha Prison, an action which he said was significant of great things that would happen in the prison.

Prayers were offered for the prisoners for their early release from prison. He called on the people of Anambra State to always strive to do good, pointing out that the state was en­dowed with abundance of blessings.

In his short speech, Gover­nor Obiano said that his gov­ernment had provided food for 1,000 inmates.

In his vote of thanks, the Deputy Controller of pris­ons in charge of Onitsha, Mr Azuka Ndupu expressed gratitude to the governor and the Archbishop for their con­cern.

He told the governor that Onitsha prison was highly overcrowded, pointing out that the prison which was meant for about 300 inmates, had 892 inmates.

He appealed to the gov­ernor to assist the prison with schools for the inmates where they could receive for­mal education.

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