Tuesday 30 September 2014


In the last 10 years over 300 recorded cases of both commercial and residential buildings in Nigeria have collapsed leaving scores either dead or permanently disabled.
The case of Nigerian Mega church, the Synagogue Church of All Nations where the church guest house was caught on camera collapsing like a pack of card is another awaking question for these dangerous trend.
The incessant collapse of buildings among other factors, has been attributed to the low standard Cements especially, the 32.5 grade being sold in Nigeria.
Regrettable, some ill-informed Nigerians are erroneously blaming Dangote cement as one of the culprits, even when they are aware that the company produces exclusively the higher grades of cement.
The Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) have clarified that the said 'substandard' cement are those on the 32.5 grade.
Dangote Cement produces 42.5 grade cement with embedded high quality control and does not the lower grade 32.5 cements and their.
If the standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) in their professional evaluation of this issue, have concluded that the lower grade cement is the cause of this nauseating problem, it right for them to issue instruction for the producer to upgrade their cements or stop these accident prone cements.
Let no one play politics with this, as the lives of Nigerians is more important than the profit of any business entrepreneur that failed to comply with acceptable quality control standards.   https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=770777759647024&set=a.244364035621735.57670.100001444220016&type=1&theater              https://www.facebook.com/elochukwum?fref=ts                                                                                                                                                                    

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