Monday 29 September 2014

Pakistani Christian pastor Zafar Bhatti and another man were allegedly shot dead Thursday in their prison cell after both were charged with blasphemy or insulting the religion of Islam, according to Breitbart News.

Pakistani Christian pastor Zafar Bhatti and another man were allegedly shot dead Thursday in their prison cell after both were charged with blasphemy or insulting the religion of Islam, according to Breitbart News.
The pastor and 70-year old British citizen Muhammad Asghar were allegedly murdered by the police near Pakistan’s capital city of Islamabad.
Zafar Bhatti was said to be an activist who worked to protect the rights of Pakistan’s Christian minority. Before the shooting, he was locked up awaiting trial for sending text messages that apparently were interpreted as insulting to the Prophet Mohammed’s mother. Bhatti’s family has said all along that it was not his phone that sent the text messages, because they allegedly had proof that the cell phone in question was not registered in the pastor’s name.
A recent poll showed that 75 percent of Pakistanis supported the country’s blasphemy laws that order insulting Islam as punishable by death. Some have suggested that the laws are frequently applied as a weapon against Christian and Ahmadi Muslim religious minority citizens.
The “Religion of Peace” sadly continues its persecution of Christians.

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