Monday 29 September 2014

Ikuforiji: We’ve been vindicated – Lagos House of Assembly

The Lagos State House of Assem­bly has expressed satisfaction with the ruling delivered by the Federal High Court on the alleged money laundering case institut­ed by the Economic and Financial Crimes Com­mission (EFCC) against the Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly, Adeyemi Ikuforiji and one of his aides.
While re­acting to the ruling in a statement, Chairman of House Committee on In­formation and Publicity, Segun Olulade, noted that the legislative institution had by the ruling, survived the plot to rubbish its hard-earned integrity and that of its leadership by unknown agents of retrogression and enemies of progress.
The House had at the resumption of the case expressed ‘vote of confi­dence’ on the Speaker. In the statement, it reaffirmed its believe in Ikuforiji-led administration of the Lagos Legislative House, which it claimed had soared above common standard of excel­lence over time.
Olulade stated that the Speaker was never at any point charged for stealing, embezzlement, misappro­priation or financial corrup­tion as popularly miscon­strued in the media reports. “What we were defending was the allegation that “Mr Speaker” expended money collected in cash above the threshold, and which has been proven beyond rea­sonable doubt that the pres­ent system being run in the country does not leave any high public office holder in the status of Ikuforiji out of spending in range of the amount he was alleged to have expended.”
He stressed further that throughout the court’s pro­ceeding, it was obvious that the case was a calculated attempt to destabilise the speaker and rubbish Lagos Assembly as an institution.
The court had on Fri­day discharged the speaker while ruling on a no case submission made by his counsel.

Ikuforiji: We’ve been vindicated – Lagos House of Assembly

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