Monday 29 September 2014

EGHEOMHANRE EYIEYIEN wrote- ''Cardinal Anthony Olubunmi Okojie should have just kept quiet on this $9.3million Cash-For-Arms-Episode. He has no moral ground whatsoever to condemn anyone least Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, OFR, the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN).

''Cardinal Anthony Olubunmi Okojie should have just kept quiet on this $9.3million Cash-For-Arms-Episode. He has no moral ground whatsoever to condemn anyone least Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, OFR, the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN).
Only those who are hell-bent on abusing CAN and needlessly insulting Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor would even listen to Cardinal Okojie much less take him seriously.
Was it not Cardinal Okojie who kept dumb as the CAN President after Gen. Ibrahim Babangida surreptitiously went and made Nigeria, a secular country with multi-religious peoples, a member of the Organisation of Islamic Countries?
Where was Cardinal Okojie when Babangida hosted the Islam in Africa Conference organised by the Organisation of Islamic Countries in Abuja in 1989 and which issued a communique on its strategy to Islamise Africa in general and Nigeria in particular: the Abuja Declaration of 1989?
Does Cardinal Okojie want us to remember how Babangida got him secretly video-taped during his sexcapades and made a mockery of his Oath of Celibacy?
Cardinal Okojie must think that we have forgotten how that event made him suddenly deaf, dumb and blind while Gen. Babangida and Gen. Sani Abacha carried on as they liked those days.
Cardinal Okojie should just remain silent in his retirement. If he were the CAN President today, one wonders how else he would have betrayed the Church of God in Nigeria''.

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