Tuesday 30 September 2014

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu gave a powerful address at the UN: comparing the militant Islamists of Hamas with ISIS, warning the world of the nuclear ambitions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and criticizing the libels in President Abbas recent UN speech.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu gave a powerful address at the UN: comparing the militant Islamists of Hamas with ISIS, warning the world of the nuclear ambitions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and criticizing the libels in President Abbas recent UN speech.
PM Netanyahu mentioned the hypocrisy of countries praising action against ISIS but condemning Israel's recent defensive action against Hamas.
He also highlighted the growing ties between Israel and Gulf states that are also threatened by Iran and spoke of potential partnerships between Israel and other countries in the Middle East.
He spoke of Israel's desire for peace and need for iron-clad security arrangements.
He ended with a Biblical quote: "For the sake of Zion I will not be silent, for the sake of Jerusalem I will not be still".

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