Friday 26 September 2014

No to National Honour for T.A. Orji

Despite the fact that I see Nasir El-Rufai as a member of the Northern oligarchy, I am sometimes forced to agree with him on some of his politically motivated tirades against some unbelievable administrative blunders of the Goodluck Jonathan administration.
How can any right thinking administration in Nigeria ever imagine that it should confer one of the supposedly revered Nigerian National Honours, Commander Of the Order of the Niger (CON) on the governor of Abia State, T.A. Orji, who has been under fire from well meaning stakeholders in the state for many weeks now, on account of his shoddy performance in office?  If I may ask, what “good” has Goodluck Jonathan and his men seen in the maladministration by Abia’s T.A Orji, which should attract a National Honour? This is a governor who epitomizes “misgovernance” by all standards; a tyrant at the helm of affairs in the state that now hosts the dirtiest and most dilapidated city, and Umuahia, the pathetic excuse of a state capital in Nigeria.
Why honour a vindictive man under whose watch, Aba, once the commercial pride of the South-East region and nicknamed “Japan Of Africa”, became the pigsty of Nigeria, simply because Aba traders and residents pelted him with sachet water, because of his lacklustre governance of the state and negligence of Aba city?
This is a man who has spent eight years in office doing nothing other than enforcing the extortion of sundry levies ostensibly for dividends of democracy, that are clearly non-existent. What the people have in Abia is nothing but the ‘legacy’ hogwash from the governor.  This governor is a “joker” who unashamedly pays hype agents on electronic and social media platforms to disseminate contemptible lies of the most despicable order. He is a person whose name should permanently rest in Abia’s trashcan of history. Maybe, someone should appeal to the very influential oil mogul, Chief Arthur Eze, who recently sent T.A Orji to the cleaners, to send a word to President Jonathan to rescind the decision to make T.A Orji one of the 2014 National Honours awardees.
If T.A Orji is conferred with the CON, then, it will be an official confirmation that Nigeria’s National Honours scheme has gone to the dogs. If T.A Orji’s name is not removed from that list, it will once again reiterate the opposition’s stance that Jonathan’s administration is perpetually engaged in goofs.Goodluck Jonathan is “DOING IT”, but he shouldn’t do it on this one. He should not give T.A Orji the leeway to hide in the Senate in 2015.
•Dr. Obasi (MSDT), is a member of Njiko Igbo Canada

No to National Honour for T.A. Orji

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