Thursday 25 September 2014

Official: Airstrikes hit refineries, aim to cut off the flow of money to ISIS fighters

By Holly Yan, Chelsea J. Carter and Mohammed Tawfeeq, CNN
September 25, 2014 -- Updated 
(CNN) -- The United States and its allies are steeling themselves for what an American defense official described Thursday as a years-long fight against the so-called Islamic State, a revelation that came as airstrikes pummeled oil refineries in Syria used by the terror group to help fund its operations.
"I think we are in this for a matter of years," Pentagon spokesman, Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby, told CNN Thursday. "...We are steeling ourselves for that period of time."
The news came as U.S.-led airstrikes hit locations overnight in a remote area of eastern Syria where ISIS has been using mobile refineries to produce oil that brings in up to $2 million a day for the group.
The U.S. military was still assessing the damage to the refineries by the airstrikes, Kirby said. The attacks are focused on the "infrastructure around the refineries," meaning the ability of ISIS to produce oil, he said.
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Even so, there are questions about just how much impact the destruction of the refineries will have on ISIS, which analysts have said has access to billions of dollars.
"Even if we stop their oil flow today, they still have about a billion dollars in the bank," retired U.S. Army Col. Peter Mansoor said.
"They seized about a third of a billion dollars from the central bank of Mosul (Iraq)." On top of that, he added, ISIS has garnered millions of dollars in ransoms from European governments for hostages and have traded much of their oil.
For now, the United States is focused on the refineries, according to Kirby. But he acknowledged there are "other economic levers the international community is going to have to pull" to cut off all funding to ISIS.
At least 14 militants and five civilians were killed in the overnight airstrikes, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a dissident monitoring group.
Among the targets hit were an ISIS headquarters in Syria's Deir Ezzor province, a training camp and several oil refineries, the group said.
ISIS targets in Iraq were also hit Thursday morning by France's military, government spokesman Stephane Le Foll told reporters in Paris.
ISIS leadership dispersed?
The U.S. military and its allies have not released details about damage or possible casualties from the strikes, saying assessments are under way.
But ISIS has likely dispersed much of its command-and-control capabilities and leaders and are now "mixed in with the civilian population," Mansoor said.
"So it's unlikely these airstrikes have crippled ISIS," he said. "As the President has said, it's going to be a long campaign, and it will be months -- perhaps years -- before ISIS is dealt a serious blow absent any sort of ground force to go in and root them out on the ground."
In the latest round of strikes targeting ISIS refineries in Syria, fighter jets from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates flew alongside U.S. aircraft, hitting 12 locations, Kirby said.
While ISIS has been the focus of most of the strikes in Syria, other terror targets have also been hit.
The U.S. military said the al Qaeda-linked Khorasan Group was also targeted when the strikes in Syria began Tuesday morning.
And the terror group al-Nusra Front says its leader, Abu Yousef al-Turki -- also known as "The Turk" -- was killed. But the United States has not said whether al-Turki is dead.
"We cannot confirm any particular leadership that might have been killed in any of these strikes," Kirby said Wednesday.
And as far as how many ISIS militants have been killed, "we don't know that, either," Kirby said.
Activist: Airstrikes won't eliminate ISIS
U.S. strikes the Khorasan group in Syria
Map: Airstrikes in SyriaMap: Airstrikes in Syria
International support
While the support for the U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria has been tepid, the support for the the international coalition against ISIS in Iraq is growing.
The Dutch foreign ministry announced Wednesday that its military will contribute six F-16 fighter jets and 250 troops to carry out airstrikes and train Iraqi and Kurdish forces. Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders said his country's parliament will weigh a request for six of its fighter jets to take part in the bombing campaign.
Similarly, British Prime Minister David Cameron said he's recalling Parliament Friday "to secure approval for the United Kingdom to participate in the Iraq air campaign.
"The U.N. Security Council has now received a clear request from the Iraqi government to support it in its military action against ISIL," Cameron said from U.N. headquarters in New York. "... So it is right that Britain should move to a new phase of action."
Activist: ISIS fighters keep low profile
An activist from Raqqa, who uses the pseudonym Maher al-Ahmad, told CNN he'd gone back to the town after the airstrikes.
"It's the first time I didn't see ISIS in the streets, that I was able to walk around, because I am wanted by them," said al-Ahmad, who moves between Raqqa and Turkey's Gaziantep province.
He said people who were there during the strikes described them as feeling like earthquakes.
Some 20 to 25 vehicles filled with ISIS fighters, including people he believes were senior leadership because of the level of security around them, left the city within hours of the attacks, the activist said.
ISIS fighters began moving into the homes of civilians in the past two to three weeks, al-Ahmad said, raising fears that the civilians may be used as human shields or fall victim to future airstrikes.
Hassan al-Halabi, an activist from Aleppo, voiced similar fears, saying residents there have two main concerns about upcoming strikes in Syria.
"The first is that they are afraid of having civilian casualties because ISIS members and fighters are among civilians," al-Halabi said.
"And the second concern is that what will happen after that? Who will replace ISIS, especially that the regime is ready to take control of ISIS' areas?"

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